Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Week in Review (February 27 - March 4)

Tuesday (20,078 steps) - Peloton before work in the office. Strength training at lunch. Bathroom plumbing is progressing - end of day 2...
Wednesday (22,061 steps) - Work in the office. Went up to Boulder after work for the first time in ages. Trails were in pretty decent shape. AND, I didn't need to use a headlamp at all. C'mon, spring!

And a really pretty sunset!

More progress on the bathroom. The plumbing ended up being a much bigger deal than we expected, unfortunately. But, he got it all done and now we can start the "fun" stuff.
Thursday (17,168 steps) - Work from home. Took Olive for a walk at lunch and did my run. I was able to wear shorts again, but it was windy. And in exciting news, A voted for the first time!!
End of day 4! Work on the custom shower pan and more framing/plumbing.
Friday (19,051 steps) - Wash Park and Stella's! Work in the office. Nothing else? End of day 5.
Saturday (29,351 steps) - Up early so we could meet Terri and Larry in Boulder to carpool for a run in Eldorado. Believe it or not, apparently there are still trails I haven't run?? We were on the trails shortly after 8:30. I'm glad Larry drove to the "trail head" as I never would have found it. The lower section was a wide dirt road, and then we briefly went up into the canyon on a section of trail I *have* run. 

REALLY glad I remembered my spikes. There was SO much ice!

Me, Ben, Terri and Larry
We made a turn off and then it was all new! This section was so neat! There were quite a few people climbing the rock faces across the valley.

There was a loop Larry and Terri wanted to do, but it was closed for some reason, so we ended up doing an out and back.

A very nice day - there were times it definitely felt like spring. We went to Murphy's after for a beer and a snack. Went to 4 Noses later for a beer and then made burgers for dinner. We started watching "Reptile" but I kept falling asleep.
Sunday (21,998 steps) - We decided to go to Matthews/Winters Park for our run. I haven't run out there a ton, but Ben said he knew of a "fun" loop we could do that would likely fit in my training plan. I'm glad I opted for long sleeves as it definitely was not as warm.
I had forgotten how much of the lower part of MW is shaded, and there was a decent amount of snow and ice on the trail.
Everything dried out quite a bit by the time we got closer to Red Rocks.

Dakota Ridge, while steep and technical, was bone dry until ONE descent on the west side. That section was so icy and it was not fun trying to go down it. We only saw maybe 10 bikes the whole morning, which was nice. We took Olive for a walk, then by the time I showered, it was time to go to Olive's grooming appointment. We had a beer at 4 Noses while we waited. Isn't she cute with her new bandana?

More bathroom progress!
We finished "Reptile" and then more "Only Murders in the Building."
Monday (18,525 steps) - Work from home. CRAZY busy work day for me. Took Olive for a walk at the lake - sunny, but windy and chilly.
I had 7 miles on my training plan, but I was so busy I wasn't able to get out until 2:30, so I only did 5 miles. Trails are almost completely dry (except the area where the rangers have torn up the trail 40 feet wide by the bike path connector).
Met Ben at Parry's for dinner and a beer.
Even MORE bathroom progress!
I think the weekend and just overall bathroom stress caught up with me because I was ready for bed an hour earlier than usual. 

  • 148,231 steps
  • 30.09 miles run
  • 30 minutes of cardio
  • 45 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...