Friday, March 1, 2024

Week in Review (February 20 - February 26)

Tuesday (16,065 steps) - Recovery week, so I didn't get up early to do a Peloton ride. Work in the office. Most exciting part of the day was I had to order food in from Heidi's for a deposition and I got to get lunch too. I finally got irritated with how little progress has been made on Ariel's bathroom since Ben did the demo back in mid-July. I made a post on Nextdoor and asked who would be willing to do the work for us. We had had one guy look at weeks ago and the quote had a bunch of items on it that we didn't need, and nothing was itemized. We never got a revised quote and I want this done! Before photo:
Wednesday (12,183 steps) - Work in the office. Walked on the treadmill. Went to the gym at lunch and did a short ride and some lifting (mainly just to keep my Peloton streak active. Met Ben at Parry's for happy hour and dinner.
Thursday (11,046 steps) - Work from home. Took Olive for a long walk at lunch. After work went up to Terri's house for a fun night of Stout tastings and snacking. Home way too late.
Friday (21,534 steps) - Wash Park and coffee!
Did some UberEats driving in an effort to make some money. The guy that we are going to have do the work in our bathroom is "cash only" so I need as much as possible! 
Saturday (25,381 steps) - Ben and I went to Runners Edge since it was just down the street. It was ok, but not great.
Stuck around Panera a bit to have coffee and socialize with Jeramiah and Alison. (And someone else but I can't remember who). Took Olive for a walk.
Did some more driving before we went to Floor & Decor so we could get samples of all our tiles to see how they will look in the space.
Sunday (13,755 steps) - Didn't have many miles on schedule, so Ben and I went for a run with Olive. The first part of the run wasn't great. Olive kept looking over her shoulder at Ben and I kept tripping over her. After she pooped around the halfway point she got motivated to get back home and the back half was a lot better. We went to lunch at Parry's.
We went back to Floor & Decor and actually bought all the tile and grout. Did some deliveries on the way home and then took Olive for another walk.
Went to 4 Noses after that. Goodbye, weekend!
Monday (19,748 steps) - Work from home. Shawn, our bathroom guy, started bringing over all his supplies to start work on the bathroom.
First step was to cut holes in the cement so that the cast iron pipe for the toilet could be replaced.
Discovered that the pipe for the shower was also cracked at the threads AND was connected via a flange to the toilet, so a bigger hole in the cement had to be cut open so that other pipe could also be replaced. 
Isn't home ownership fun? Took Olive for a walk, and also had a run to do at lunch. For some reason I ran to the north side of the lake. It was not a good run. Why do I run that route? I know I wanted to run dirt and the south side was too muddy (based on Sunday's run with Ben and Olive). Ugh - I need to remember in the future how much I dislike that part of the trails. Did some driving after I got off work.

  • 119,712 steps
  • 14.49 miles run
  • 5 minutes of cardio
  • 18 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...