Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Week in Review (July 18 - July 24)

Tuesday (10,352 steps) - Work in the office. Walk at lunch and walk when I got home with Olive. No recollection of anything else.
Wednesday (10,323 steps) - Work in the office. Did some yoga and a walk at lunch. Pulled weeds after work?
Thursday (11,638 steps) - Had plans to head to Buena Vista mid morning. I took Olive for a walk and did some last minute packing. Ben arrived shortly after 10 and we headed out. It was a very uneventful drive for once. Only stop along the way was to use the bathroom in Fairplay. We headed right to the high school so I could pick up my bib.
A lot of really great swag (Rabbit flannel for a race top!) and the extra Rabbit sun shirts I had purchased for me and Ben. We were both hungry and decided to go into town to get something to eat. 
Picked up some groceries before checking into the hotel at 3, so we did that and then sat around until it was time to go back to the school for the mandatory pre-race meeting. The gym was PACKED and it wasn't too terrible of a meeting, but it was long. It was already getting late and I was definitely worried about getting enough sleep. I forced myself to eat dinner (blah, wasn't hungry) and then it was lights out pretty early.
Friday (105,200 steps) - High Lonesome 100!
Mile 90 Photography
Saturday (20,483 steps) - Once Tyler and Terri got us back to the start/finish line, we stood around for a bit because they had plans to go hiking. I was tired, and we finally went to the AirBnb. Took a shower and also a nap. I wanted to go back to the finish line to watch the last hour of people finish (and also get my bottle of whiskey). The finish line was really cool and you can read more about it in the race report. We ended up going into town later to get food and discovered just about everything was closed before 8. We were able to get some food and a beer from a restaurant off Main, but there was a live band and it was loud. We headed back to the BnB and attempted to watch a movie, but I kept dozing off so we went to bed early. 
Sunday (11,101 steps) - Went into town to get breakfast. Staving, I got a lot of food, a giant breakfast bowl and protein shake, plus coffee! We went for a long walk around town. This was my favorite sign ever!

It was HOT, so we stopped and got a beer on Main Street before going back to the Bnb. Didn't do much all day, but we did get some laundry done. It was warm enough that we were able to line dry everything in a pretty short amount of time. For dinner we though BBQ sounded good, but we arrived and the guy said they were closed for catering, so we went to the Mexican place next door which was NOT great. Pretty dirty and the staff pretended they didn't know English OR Spanish, so getting our food/drinks was not the best experience. 
Low key evening of watching a movie.
Monday (10,354 steps) - Up early and decided to just head out sooner rather than later. Quick stop in Frisco for a beer at Outer Range. Thankfully, on a Monday, there was not much traffic in the mountains. Arrived home to million degree temperatures. Went to 4 Noses for a beer, then I went to Torchy's and got an early dinner.
It was finally cool enough to take Olive for a long walk around 7 - it was a nice evening.

Unpacked and went to bed early. 

  • 179,451 steps
  • 56.71 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 20 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...