Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Week in Review (August 15 - August 21)

Tuesday (10,939 steps) - Peloton ride before work in the office. Cross training at lunch. Walk with Olive when it got cooler, but otherwise, no recollection of the day.
Wednesday (16,358 steps) - Work in the office. It was a hot day, but I had a hike on schedule, so I planned on putting my Boulder park pass to use and went to South Mesa. It started to rain on the drive, but it was dry (although humid) when I started.
I was really trying hard to just hike, and not get into the running, so I was just doing a fast pace. I didn't encounter anyone until I was almost a mile up. There were two older guys and I commented that hopefully we would miss the storm since it was thundering quite a bit. They said "we will be fine" and then about 5 minutes later it started POURING. It only lasted for maybe 10 minutes, but I got drenched and the temperature dropped significantly. 
Pretty sure I have never seen it so green this late in the year up here!
I was thinking the route I picked was going to be longer than what it was, but I was happy with getting this done as "quick" as I did.

Quick stop by Runners Roost after I finished because I knew Rabbit was going to be there. It was a ZOO! They were also doing a Leadville event and there were a million people there. I got a free drawstring Rabbit bag before heading out. I agreed to meet up with Ben for one beer at 4 Noses before going home to re-create A's first day of school pictures! We tried to do some outside but the lighting was weird, so they are inside. I can't believe she is a senior this year!

Thursday (17,661 steps) - Up early to do a run before work since it was supposed to be a million degrees. Run wasn't bad! And then, work... in the office. Joyce needed witnesses for an early morning signing and apparently EVERYONE (including me) works remote on Thursdays. Sigh. I did end up being pretty busy all day. I've been going down the rabbit hole of wanting to get a new phone. I've only had mine since March 2022, but ever since I fell in the river at Fat Dog my phone has been having issues charging. I finally stopped by Xfinity to see what my phone options were and didn't like any of the ones that they had in stock, so I went to the Apple store. I was really surprised that they were going to be able to give me so much money for my phone! With that said, I hadn't really been planning on getting rid of my phone, and I definitely need A to put my screen protector and case on before using it. I had to email Ben since they wiped my phone before I was able to get a text out. We met at Parry's for a beer and an appetizer. By the phone I got everything ready and activated my new phone it was bedtime. Weird being without one for so long, and the worst part was having to listen to the RADIO in the car. Boo hiss.
Friday (12,909 steps) - Yay random work from home day!!! Took Olive for a few walks. Did grocery shopping at both the grocery store and Costco. A needed some hair bows for cross country and I went to a few stores looking for what she needed before I gave up and I met up with Ben for happy hour. Nothing else?
Saturday (22,142 steps) - I had 6 miles on schedule, and Ben and I planned to run together. It was supposed to be REALLY hot, so we needed to go early. I agreed to an 8:30 start, but man oh man, was it miserable. Run felt REALLY hard, so I have given myself another beer fast for a bit to recover. We headed to Ziggi's (for the first time!) and thought we were going to get coffee, but saw they had smoothies and got one of those instead. It was delicious!!
Took Olive for a walk when I got home. she ended up rolling in some stuff and got briars in her tail, so I had to give her another bath. She was not especially amused.
Ben got us tickets to see a movie and we went to Torchy's first for a queso appetizer. We headed to Alamo for a screening of "The Last Voyage of the Demeter." I was really surprised he picked this one, since it is way out of his comfort level (he is not a fan of horror movies). It was pretty good though, I liked it. 
Sunday (15,804 steps) - Up "early" to go to Stanley Marketplace for Brunch Run. I wasn't planning on running, it was a rest day, but I wanted to go somewhere different. I was the only one walking, so Olive and I did our own thing. It was already REALLY hot by the time we were finishing up.
But look at how cute and photogenic she is!
Got a coffee and chocolate croissant and spent some time with Lisa and Joanna before I decided to head home for the day. A was working, so I stopped in for some queso and a taco for lunch. And later, since Ben was going out of town, he sent me some money so I could try out the newest restaurant in the area, Cava. It was pretty good, although I was much hungrier than what I got food-wise.
Monday (16,060 steps) - Work from home. I only had 3 miles on schedule, and it was supposed to get up to 100 degrees, so I did my run before work. Even at 7:15 it was already REALLY hot and I was sweating like a maniac by the time I was done.
Batman likes to trap Olive upstairs
I took Olive for her walk early because of the heat. A met me at Ziggi's and we got some coffee! I liked it, but it literally was so sugary I thought I was going to go into a diabetic coma, haha.
Made dinner and watched some TV. Took Olive for a short walk. This heat is oppressive.

  • 111,873 steps
  • 14.27 miles run
  • 30 minutes of cardio (plus a 5+ mile hike)
  • 20 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...