Saturday, March 25
Weather - Cooler than "normal"
I had initially planned on getting up around 4:00 for our 4:30 departure, but ended up being earlier when I heard people moving around at 3:45. I seem to never remember that it literally ALWAYS takes me longer to get out the door than I think.
I had time to heat up my Trader Joe's burrito and make some coffee, and somehow, even with a big group, we got out the door right on time. I have to give Megan a HUGE shout out for doing the driving!
Our bnb was about 40 minutes from the start line, and she got us there with plenty of time for us all to use the bathroom (some of us, multiple times) and drop off our drop bags. I was only planning on a finish line bag, and even then, was only using that for a battery pack and my jacket. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until about 15 minutes before the start that due to all the recent rain/flooding, a normally dry course was going to have somewhere around 20 water crossings. Fun.
I circulated through the bathroom a few times and saw fellow Roost teammate, Stella, in line as well.
Heading into the start, I was definitely apprehensive about being the slowest in our group and having everyone wait on me at the finish.
It wasn't nearly as dark as this picture would have you believe |
Start to Cow Creek (0 - 8.5 miles)
We had been told that headlamps were suggested for the start, but I honestly should have just skipped it altogether, because I never did need it. I started out in the back, like always. I settled into an easy, relaxed pace and tried to not be bothered by all the people passing me. Just have to hope that I have a good strategy!
I really had not read anything about the race and quickly realized that I should screenshot the list of aid stations and elevation profile before losing service. It was nice and cool, and we were running on the road, which I actually didn't mind at all. I turned around a few times to try to catch the sunrise over the lake - and was not disappointed by the view:
I believe I got this photo from Megan |
Photo Cred: Jenny Thorsen |
I don't remember anything about the first aid station, other than I topped off my bottles (which I hadn't drank much out of thanks to running more and it being chilly). I think I maybe grabbed a little snack, but I don't remember being hungry.
Cow Creek to French Creek (8.5-15.34 miles)
Headed back out, and still could kinda see Michele, maybe a tenth of a mile in front of me. There was a photographer around mile 9, but I still haven't found this pictures, I'll add if/when I come across it.
![]() |
Photo Cred: Aravaipa |
Thanks to the "trail" being a really wide dirt road, I was able to run on the far right and keep my headphones in. I was starting to wonder where the water crossings were going to be as we hadn't come across anything yet. AND... this was when I realized I saw Megan in front of me! I passed her in this section.
It was "funny" to start seeing signs for Crown King and the lack of services, but about mile 11, I knew we had 20 miles to go.
I don't remember anything too exciting in this section, other than I did pass Michele at some point maybe a mile after I passed Megan.
It had warmed up in this segment and I was looking forward to the next aid station, and really hoping they had a bathroom, since my stomach wasn't feeling great. Arrived at the aid station - and saw Steph and Rich there! Steph says "how did you catch me?" and they headed out. I really couldn't believe I had caught up to them! Unfortunately there was no bathroom, so I hurried out and looked for a cacti that could shelter me from everyone on the trail.
French Creek to Silver Mountain (15.34 - 19.15 miles)
I was feeling better and REALLY surprised at how good I was feeling. I wasn't mad at the trail, I wasn't mad at anything - and that's pretty rare for me, haha. I couldn't believe I was halfway done and I had done SO much running - and I hadn't even pulled out my poles yet. This is about when things started to get a bit interesting though. I probably waited 20 minutes to get my poles out, and then I was moving REALLY well. Like how did I ever climb without them? I actually caught up to Steph and Rich. There were fun areas where there was a "choose your own adventure" - longer/less steep or steeper trail to get to where we were going. I did a mix of both.
At some point, I think mile 18ish, I went ahead, and that's also when I finally saw (and passed Stella). I could NOT believe it.
The trail DEFINITELY was getting steep, and I was really happy with my pace and how I was feeling.
Silver Mountain to Fort Misery (19.15 - 21.38 miles)
I stayed with Steph and Rich for a bit, but I lost them at some point before arriving at Fort Misery. I really don't remember this section, other than it was SO SHORT - AND it was our first interaction with mud and a water crossing. The mud was completely unavoidable, and I really hoped that we wouldn't have much more of that. I HATE MUD. The water crossing was actually nice, it cleaned off my shoes :)
Arrived and barely needed anything, but they did have beer, so I had a few shots of that, and headed out right as Steph and Rich were coming in.
Fort Misery to Oro Belle (21.38 - 26.96 miles)
Immediately upon leaving the aid station, we arrived at this mine/construction zone? This section cracked me - like "danger, you will die" and then the race markings are like, no really, just go this way.
Photo: Megan |
I did actually stop briefly after this one, as I got some tiny pebbles/silt in my shoes and I figured I just need to get rid of it while I could.
Photo: Megan (and not actually sure where this was on course, but probably in this section) |
Can you see the flag hanging on the tree? This is literally the trail. |
I think my strategy of starting out slow was really starting to pay off. I was actually passing a decent amount of people - many of them being people that passed me HOURS ago. I don't think I actually got passed by a single person in the back half.
This section seemed really long, mainly because for ME, it wasn't runnable, and it was slower miles of hiking. I didn't mind though. I finally got some decent distance between me and the line of ATVs, which was REALLY nice, mainly because there were starting to be more mud pits, and it was harder to step off the trail when we really started to climb. The clouds were actually starting to look a bit nasty, and I was really hoping it wasn't going to rain!
There were numerous memorials along the trail from what I assume was ATV accidents?
And what I would consider the longest and most rocky climb into the VERY LAST aid station!
I wasn't sure if there was going to be another aid station or not, so I filled up one bottle (knowing it wasn't very far to the finish) and grabbed a pickle or something. Thanked the volunteers and then headed out! I was REALLY surprised to turn a corner and see Jenny! She got a great series of pictures of me!
And what I would consider the longest and most rocky climb into the VERY LAST aid station!
Oro Belle to Finios (26.96 - 30.98ish miles)
She assured me I was "almost there" - and I believed her! After what seemed like an eternity - I could finally see trees instead of just cacti.
We had a small false summit - where there the "summit" timing mat was, the start of the "screaming" downhill. And boy, was that great. I had the BIGGEST smile on my face running down that! I did pull out my phone for this photo - I was definitely going faster than 5 mph here, which amused me.
There were actually a lot of people in "town" cheering, and it was a fun finish line. I kicked my A goal's ass and finished in under 8 hours, which ironically, is in my top 30% of 50k times - even with nearly 7,000' of climbing.
Official Time: 7:54:38
Garmin Time: 7:54:24
Average Pace: 15:12
Garmin Distance - 31.19 miles
Elevation Gain - 6,925'
Overall Place - 145/230
Gender Place - 40/73
Miles 1-10 - 12:24, 12:27, 13:07, 12:08, 13:32, 12:55, 12:47, 14:02, 15:35, 12:04
Miles 11-20 - 13:34, 12:55, 14:05, 12:47, 13:59, 17:38, 17:15, 19:36, 17:02, 18:43
Miles 21-End - 18:43, 16:13, 16:02, 17:23, 18:04, 19:34, 20:51, 17:20, 11:56, 10:55, 9:32 (pace)
I immediately headed inside with my new pint glass to get a beer. (Thankfully, they took Apple Pay, since I hadn't thought to bring my wallet). Sadly, I had to buy my own beer :(
Initially I found it uncomfortably hot inside, but once I went outside and sat at the finish line for a bit, I got REALLY cold. It was at least another half hour before Steph and Rich finished. They asked if I could watch their stuff, then they went off to change, and were gone a long time. Stella came to sit with me for a bit. I was finally hungry, so I went to get food and of course that's when Michele finished, so I didn't get to see her :(
Steph was tracking Megan, so we were able to get outside in time to see her finish. Overall, this was SUCH a fun experience. Expensive as HELL, but fun. We had booked the shuttle to get back to the start line. The before picture, before we knew what we were getting into:
And.... this is a special picture Jenny took while we were running. I'm sorry, but this is literally the cutest picture in the entire world. I desperately want a baby donkey. SO ADORABLE.
Thoughts:- It kinda sucks that this race is the weekend it is. The flights were absolutely OUTRAGEOUS to get to Phoenix. I'm fairly sure that this is the most I have EVER spent for a domestic flight. Since I had to check a bag, I flew SW since they are the most flexible - but it was almost $600!!! I checked literally DAILY to see if flights would get cheaper - and they never did.
- Race itself, also expensive. $192.62 for the entry, plus another $50 on top of that for the shuttle back to our vehicle.
- I like shirt, and the pint glass is ok, but I'm a little sad to not get a medal (I know, I know, I have a zillion of them, but still.)
- The post race food was really good - BBQ with chips and a cookie. But again, I had to buy my own beer and that was sad.
- Overall, this was a really great race though, so I'm not mad at the expenses, just be aware that they are there if you run this race.
- Of note - normally this course is dry, or maybe ONE water crossing. We did, indeed, have close to 20 and they were all relatively deep and unavoidable. (Deep to me is knee or above).
- The weather was not what I wanted (I was hoping for heat for Coco training), but it was lovely and probably led to me as happy and finishing as well as I did because it was cooler.
- There are no bathrooms on course, so bring your own TP and a bag to pack stuff out.
- Aid stations were fine, volunteers were amazing.
- No cell service for probably 75% of the race.
- Important gear for me - long sleeve sun shirt, sunscreen, Leki poles for the back half. Gear worn - Boco hat, Goodr shades, Coco "finisher" shirt from last year, Rabbit short sleeve high country plaid, INKnBURN skirt, Zensah socks, Topo Ultraventure 2's. Salomon vest, headlamp I never used. Literally nothing else. I did actually eat some of the snacks I brought, used my LMNT electrolytes, but other than water, my pack didn't need to do much. EXCEPT THE CHAPSTICK. Never forget to use chapstick in Arizona!!
- Also unsuccessful in replicating ANY of the weird foot issues I had at Coco with rocks, etc,
- I love you Arizona, see ya next month!
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