Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Week in Review (October 25 - October 31)

Tuesday (7,899 steps) - Work in the office and a walk at lunch. I dropped off my ballot on the way home - yay early voting! 
Ariel had her first orchestra concert of the year. It was a bit depressing seeing how many kids have decided to not choose instrumental music after the school got rid of the full time teacher at the end of last school year. (I apparently didn't take any pictures, but this is a still from the video I took). This is all the kids in the WHOLE SCHOOL that are in orchestra - ALL levels. Sad.
Wednesday (18,105 steps) - Work in the office. Left a few minutes early so I could get my run done before it got dark. Of COURSE there was an accident that caused me to get to Boulder more than 20 minutes later than usual. My run actually went really well, but the last 15 minutes or so were in the dark. That'll teach me to not have a backup headlamp in the car! 

Thursday (11,907 steps) - Work from home and FINALLY got around to packing for Javelina pacing.  I did some grocery shopping (I will admit, I have NOT missed doing that AT ALL) and made a new crock pot recipe of vegetarian chili.

Basically the cutest picture of Batman yawning ever
Also got in all my cross training - rower (first time in 6+ months, woof), Peloton and some strength training, plus a walk. Finally turned on the heat because Ariel thinks wearing a coat in the house is ridiculous. *eye roll*
Friday (15,927 steps) - Wash Park CHILLY walk with the gang and coffee. Work in the office until 2. Walked to Union Station, caught the train and met up with Terri near our gate. Flight into Phoenix was uneventful and Kristin and Tyler picked us up so we wouldn't need to rent a car. 
Hung around the house a bit, picked up groceries and went to bed early. (Too bad we weren't staying longer, the back patio was fantastic!!)
Saturday (21,346 steps) - "Slept in" until after 7. I hadn't been feeling wonderful the night before, could feel some congestion coming and and was very restless all night, so didn't feel very rested. Spent the morning lounging around before heading over to the race start with Doug chauffeuring us. 
Got everything set up in the tent. After we saw Kristin come through we decided to get some lunch off site. I picked something called "Wicked Six" - which was a pub - apparently on the golf course, so it was a good thing they let us eat there how we were dressed, haha. 

Headed back to the race and managed to get there in time to see friends coming and going. Kristin and Joe looked a bit rough heading out for loop 3, but we got them onto the trail. 

Tyler came in looking and feeling great and left with Terri pacing for loop 4 around 9:15. I figured I needed to start being ready for him around 2-2:30 am since I was pacing the last loop.
Sunday (61,621 steps) - There was no way I was going to be able to sleep, so I was basically just passing time. Doug had gone to take a nap in the car, and I spent a bit of time with Cooper after he finished his race. He finally left around 11 so he could get some sleep before coming back to get me and Terri. I was alert and awake to see Kristin finishing!
Shortly after she came through, Terri and Tyler came through. He was still looking really good and was obviously well ahead of cutoffs. We got him ready to go and headed out for the last loop just before 3:30 am. I was worried that I was going to be tired since I'd been up all night, but I was feeling ok. I had no idea what kind of pace he was going to want to do, so I power hiked all the climbs and ran the downhills and flats, which he seemed fine with. He got pretty sick at the first aid station and was really apologetic about it. I'm like, dude, you are the one puking, I am fine! I gave him some tums and the medic gave him some gum and we headed out, deciding to stick with his Spring Energy gels for the remainder of the race. 

The "worst" part of the loop was the 6.5 miles into Jackass Junction. For me, having only to do it once, it really wasn't that bad. We walked most of it, and it was "hillier" and more rocky than other sections. We also had the treat of one of the most beautiful sunrises I have seen in a LONG time. It lasted for about an hour, starting with the red/purple sky and morphing into oranges and yellows. Cathartic.
Once we got to Jackass, we were more than halfway done with the loop!
I had hoped for a bit more running on this "downhill" section, but we still walked quite a bit. Once the sun was fully up it did get a bit warmer, and I had to take my jacket off and tie it around my waist. We stopped at the last aid station only to use the bathroom and then it was less than 4 miles to the finish! Tyler seemed content to walk it in, but I made him do run intervals, and then run all the way through Jeadquarters - but it worked out, his first 100 mile completion had him finishing in 26:30, with his last loop a whole minute faster than his 4th! So proud of him!!
We still had to clean up all our gear and load it all up, which took a pretty long time. Cooper agreed to go to lunch with us, and we found this delicious Mexican restaurant, Salt & Lime. I ate this entire plate. It was fantastic. 
Our flight wasn't until 7:15, but Cooper dropped us off very early, maybe 2:30? There was no line at security, but apparently my dragon costume flagged things in security and I was molested by a TSA agent, and then my bag was also flagged. Exciting stuff. I may have actually dozed off for a bit waiting for our flight, but most of the time was spent charging my phone and catching up on Facebook. My cold that I had felt coming on hit full force and I was so congested and sniffly and sneezy. Gross. Flight was not bad at all, and we even landed early. Unfortunately there wasn't a gate ready for us, then people were super slow getting off. I moved very quickly hoping to get an earlier train, but missed it by a few minutes. By the time I took the train, walked to my office and drove home it was after midnight. Downed some cold medicine and took a quick shower and passed out.
Monday (14,564 steps) - Work from home -THANKFULLY. Also.....
So I was about 99% sure I couldn't do this. I know it sounds ridiculous, but my drinking has been pretty out of control for years, and I haven't gone longer than 3-4 days without drinking in probably 10+ years. Felt pretty pleased with myself for sticking to it. Ironically (maybe insert eye roll here), I am feeling better, my sleep is better. 

Anyway, I was really tired all day. I spent the first part of the morning working from bed. Went for my run, then a walk at lunch. A had plans for the night and I went to Kristin's for the annual Trick-or-shot, and yes, I still stayed sober and just had some hot tea. Came home around 8 and tried to watch a movie on Netflix but kept getting interrupted, so I just went to bed early.

  • 151,369 steps
  • 29.51 miles run
  • 40 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...