Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Week in Review (November 15 - November 21)

Tuesday (6,760 steps) - Work in the office. Didn't even do a walk at lunch. We are having some insanely cold temperatures right now and I just didn't feel like it. Lazy. Finally fixed my front license plate bracket, not sure what was happening with that. 
Picked up my free "half Birthday" entrée from Tokyo Joe's for dinner and did the first round of painting in my bedroom. So productive. 

Wednesday (18,746 steps) - Work in the office. Excitement of the day was trying to help Nicole get tickets to Taylor Swift. Let's just say that after HOURS, we weren't ever able to get any. Seems like a scam.
Went to Boulder after work from a solo trail run. It was pretty darn snowy/icy out - need to find my spikes. At least I had my headlamp, though.

Thursday (12,479 steps) - Work from home. Did a Peloton ride and some upper body work. Also, got the new furniture delivered. Woo!!

A was going to Phoenix with her XC team and her flight kept getting delayed. We ended up leaving for the airport around 5 and it was snowy and NOT a fun drive. Her flight ended up being delayed for MANY hours, but at least they got out.
Friday (6,190 steps) - Got a lot of snow overnight, which I was expecting. I had asked Nicole if I could come in late and avoid morning rush hour. That gave me time to sell my dresser to a couple that drove down from Longmont. Wasn't expecting to have to help move it, but the woman was pregnant, so I did a little lifting. Went to get dinner with Ben after work, which was nice.
Saturday (19,157 steps) - Went to Crown Hill to meet Maureen for a run. Ended up seeing Christine in a the parking lot and she joined us. We did 5 miles, which is the longest I've run since Cowboy.
Went to get coffee and pastries at Sbux afterwards. Yum!
No idea what happened the rest of the day, but I did pick up Pho for dinner.
Sunday (10,851 steps) - Went grocery shopping (waaaaah) in the morning and ran other errands. Went for a walk at lunch. Nothing else?
Monday (6,123 steps) - Work from home. Did a Peloton ride and some core and upper body. Nothing else?

  • 80,306 steps
  • 11.81 miles run
  • 55 minutes of cardio
  • 35 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...