Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Week in Review (October 18 - October 24)

Tuesday (21,563 steps) - Work in the office. Walk at lunch and then off for a run at Stone House. Met up with Mo and Colfax to walk after. Brrr, it's getting dark and cold.

Went to Green Mountain Brewery after, but it was cold and it's a lot less fun when you don't have a beer, so I didn't stay long.
Wednesday (19,517 steps) - Work in the office, walk at lunch. Went to Boulder Roost for the first time in MANY months. I had a workout on schedule, so I still ran on my own. It was a gorgeous night for "running fast."

Thursday (13,385 steps) - Work from home. Peloton ride, some strength training and a walk at lunch.
Logged out of work a bit early to spectate at regionals! A ran really well (not a PR), good enough for 4th on her team - out of 9! Her team didn't do well enough to qualify for state, but her teammates Gustavo and Emma (who has WON regionals all 4 years!) did. Fun afternoon, and it was wonderful of friends (Maureen and Colfax, Paula and Katla, and Kristin) to come spectate and cheer her on. Will miss XC until next year.

Another walk around the block when I got home.
Friday (13,986 steps) - Wash Park with the gang! A beautiful (but chilly) morning.

Stella's for coffee after. One of the highlights every week for me!
Work in the office and a walk at lunch. Treated to a beautiful Colorado sunset!

And woo hoo for three weeks!!
Saturday (36,671 steps) - Decided to switch my Saturday and Sunday runs so I could do my long run with Runners Edge. We all managed to miss a marking pretty early on during the route and ended up in a very hilly trail system. Whooooops. (I'm supposed to be running slow and flat, and this wasn't really either).

Some of the route was done in "spray paint" and we ran through a neighborhood HOA that was a little pissed off about that. Always exciting :( - we normally have the route marked in sidewalk chalk, so not sure what changed this time, other than the faster people tend to complain about markings being hard to see, especially when crossing streets.

The route ended at a new Dardano's location - what a nice shop! Looked around a bit, but didn't buy anything. Headed home for a quick shower and lunch before driving up to Boulder to spectate the USATF 5k Championships! My favorite course picture (on a warm afternoon).
Headed home to rest for a bit before going over to Amy and Geno's new house for pumpkin carving! Ended up chatting so long that I decided to head out before doing that, but it was great to see Amy and her new house! (Amy and I have been friends since Junior High, she is my "oldest" friend!)
Sunday (18,222 steps) - Lounged around a bit before going out for my "easy" hour run.

REALLY glad I wore long sleeves, it was chilly in the start! Also went for a walk later, but spent most of the day watching a "Final Destination" marathon. Closed out the night watching "The Descent," which was surprisingly good!
Monday (17,193 steps) - Work from home! Opted to switch my rest day for Tuesday's "easy" run. Glad I went out and got my hour done early, as by the time I went for my lunch walk the wind had picked up and it was even colder. I am NOT ready for winter. Ariel and I went to Yak & Yeti for dinner. We love Indian food and don't have it often, so it was a treat.

  • 140,537 steps
  • 34.36 miles run
  • 25 minutes of cardio
  • 20 minutes of strength training

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