Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Week in Review (October 11 - October 17)

Tuesday (11,698 steps) - Work in the office. A pretty busy day, but I got out for a walk at lunch. Then, I went for another walk when I got home. Beautiful night.
Wednesday (12,842 steps) - Work in the office. And look at me, being all dressed up and fancy in "winter" attire.

Went for a walk at lunch. After work I went to the Denver Roost for "run club." I walked with Mo and Colfax. Not a huge group, but it was good seeing people!
Thursday (13,217 steps) - Work from home. Did a Peloton ride, some upper body weights and went for a walk at lunch. Logged out a bit early so I could head south for Ariel's meet! For league, her coach said anyone caught looking at their watch or talking about their time was going to be off the regional team - so I confiscated her and Gracie's watches. I also looked super snazzy.
The meet location was the same as last year, but it was a different, and more hilly course. A wasn't super thrilled about her time, but she ran within 30 seconds of her PR, so I think she did great.

Friday (11,945 steps) - Wash Park with the gang before work. For the first time since spring, we actually had our coffee inside because it was so chilly. Went for a walk at lunch. And... Sober October is still going strong. Woo!
Saturday (21,249 steps) - I decided to get up "early" and go to Runners Roost in Lakewood for Runners Edge. When I saw the route was a loop, I opted to do all 7 miles, even though I wasn't even sure I would be able to run that far just 6 days out from Heartland 125. It was a beautiful, cool morning. The run went exponentially better than expected. Woo!

Spent some time at the store socializing, and went to breakfast with Mo, Lisa, Jim and Ted. I decided to stick around to do a loop at Belmar with Mo and Colfax. I haven't been to the park in ages, and it was SUPER pretty!

I had nothing else to do the rest of the day, so I watched a bunch of scary movies. Also, Batman absolutely adores my Rumpl Sherpa blanket. Holy cow, it's warm!
Sunday (10,196 steps) - Up early to meet Mo to spectate and volunteer at the Beware the Bear trail races. Turns out the "volunteering" was really just cutting up oranges. We walked Colfax for a few miles while the race was happening. A chilly morning, but Bear Creek is super pretty right now!

We stuck around until well after the race ended, talking with people. Headed home to meet up with Ben for lunch. We went to Hops and Drops and I got this delicious burger on Texas Toast. (At some point I'm going to have to start watching what I eat again, lol).
Watched a movie, don't remember what else.
Monday (11,227 steps) - Work from home. Went for a walk at lunch. Another really pretty day, but it was way cooler than it looks!

Ended up going for another walk when I got off work. Watched another movie. (Honestly, this time of year is the best for finding scary movies!)

  • 92,374 steps
  • 7.01 miles run
  • 30minutes of cardio
  • 15 minutes of strength training

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