Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Week in Review (April 5 - April 11)

Tuesday (7,030 steps) - Up early for a Peloton ride and other cross training. 

Batman enjoys watching me exercise...
Work in the office. Nothing else?
Wednesday (23,518 steps) - Work in the office. I had plans to do my weekly hiking/running in Boulder, but Jeramiah informed us of yet another fire near the trails....
At least I knew before heading all the way up there. Ended up going to Green Mountain (again). Suffered through three summits before decided to take the long (less steep) way down for another hefty vert day.
Stopped at Over Yonder for a quick beer before heading home. Beer was meh, and so was the bartender.
Thursday (8,964 steps) - Work from home. Got my Peloton ride and cross training done throughout the day. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Finally sunny, and "sorta" warm.
Friday (13,771 steps) - Wash Park and coffee with the gang before work in the office. Went for a walk at lunch to discover it was opening day... woof. Met Tyler for a few beers at Westminster Brewing and picked up Qdoba for dinner since A was seeing the high school musical with friends.
Saturday (33,508 steps) - After discovering the schedule for A's track meet, I decided to bring my stuff with me and planned to do my run in between events. First annoyance was arriving at the school to find out that there was a $7 CASH ONLY entrance fee. What year are we living in?? Thankfully they let me in without paying when I threw a minor fit, but come on. So A's first event was the 4x800m relay. Literally the first event of the day. She ran very well, but was unsure of her time as she said it's too complicated to use her watch and deal with the baton. When I realized where her event was I saw that I wasn't too far from Waterton Canyon, so I planned to do 15ish miles. Initially, I really felt like I was struggling going up the canyon, but I think I always feel that way on this trail. I kept my R1 on the whole time to simulate "heat" since it's been so cold here. Initially, it really was just keeping me from freezing to death, but it did get warmer as the morning progressed.

Finally saw some sheep!
Was worried I had taken too long since I saw a message from A asking if everything was ok and when I was going to be back. Turns out, nothing to worry about, it was still a long time before she was up next. She was hoping to run a sub 3 800 - and did it! She ran a 2:55 for a 5 second PR - wooot!!
She was ready to leave pretty soon after finishing. We were STARVING and as soon as we got home we accosted Ben and all went to Salsas for some delicious Mexican food. 
Sunday (31,769 steps) - Tyler picked me up at 6 am so that we could head down to volunteer at the Runners Roost aid station at the Platte River half. Even though I have done this multiple times, it always surprises me HOW COLD my hands get. It was horrible! Lisa brought us Voodoo donuts, which kinda made up for my hypothermia - I haven't had a Dirty Bastard in ages, it was delicious!
I had convinced Tyler to join me for another Dirty Biz loop - insisting that this was going to be "turtle pace." By the time we headed up it was noticeably windier than it had been. IT. WAS. MISERABLE. I would guess it was probably 40 mph winds. I had a huge headache from the wind, even commenting that this was probably the first time I'd use the adjective "howling" to describe wind. Nothing fun about this.

Met up with Ben at Bluegrass for beers and snacks.
By the end of the night A was feeling pretty miserable. The cold that she has had for a weeks seems to have progressed into something more serious, so we spent the evening getting stuff for her to feel better.
Monday (21,156 steps) - Work from home, and A stayed home because she felt so bad. Ben took Lucy to get new tires and an alignment that managed to take over three hours - WITH an appointment. Oof. A went on the walk with me and Pika, and then I managed to get her into the doctor for an afternoon appointment. No strep, thankfully, but she was still going to get some antibiotics. After work I headed over to North Table to do my "speed work" on the canal trail. 
Initially, I took it really easy for the warm up. The first interval probably started too fast and I ended up needing to walk quite a bit. Then my recovery was WAY longer than I actually needed (it was intended to just be until heart rate went down), but I had a bathroom emergency. Luckily I was able to make it to the soccer fields to use a port-o-potty. The way back the first interval went pretty well, only stopping briefly to cross a street. A bit more of a struggle on the last one. But to be fair, I don't do much actual "fast" running, so working on this one day a week will surely be helpful. It's still depressing to think these paces are "speed work" though.
BPRunco was there to celebrate Phil's birthday, so we had a beer and socialized a bit. 

  • 139,716 steps
  • 44.6 miles run
  • 70 minutes of cardio
  • 100 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...