Thursday, December 9, 2021

Week in Review (November 30 - December 6)

Tuesday (5,491 steps) - TRAVEL. We had to get up and be out of the hotel by 5:45 so we could drop off the rental car and get on the shuttle back to the airport. I was worried about the payment stuff since the card that they had used for the deposit was the one I had to report lost, but they said they would figure it out. I was REALLY glad that I had planned on extra time for the airport. It was a ZOO. Other than our trip to Virginia for Cloudsplitter, I haven't seen so many people in a LONG time. Luckily we made it through with enough time that we didn't miss our flight. Was really not looking forward to an out of the way flight to DETROIT. Flight was "ok" - still pretty turbulent, it seems all my flights are like that lately. Read a lot more of my book. Landed with enough time to get some food before our final flight. 
We left on time and I finished my book. Arrived at DIA and called Ang to pick us up. Drive home was uneventful. Ariel and I went to Yogurtland. 
No recollection of the rest of the evening, other than we went to bed REALLY early.
Wednesday (11,927 steps) - Work in the office. Walked to REI at lunch so I could return a shirt. I think that's it?
Thursday (18,626 steps) - Work from home. Sadly, we had a very adventurous day. Ariel had a few free coffees on her Dunkin account, so we decided to go when I dropped her off at school. I had been at home working for mere minutes when Batman headbutted the coffee. The lid came off and it spilled ALL OVER Ben's laptop. After I spent a while trying to clean it all up and then tried to figure out what the chances of ever getting it to work ever again, I set up my 11 year old iMac. It "worked" in the sense I could get very basic work done while connected to my network. I had a run/workout on schedule so I decided to do it at lunch. Since I had to do things like burpees and mountain climbers (among other things), I just did a LOT of intervals near the park up the street. HOLY SHIT WAS THIS HARD. I thought I was going to die when I finished my last set. THEN, I took Pika for a walk.
When A got home from school she watched some YouTube videos on cleaning the inside and taking it apart and such. I was REALLY hopeful that after a few days it would come back to life.
Friday (11,001 steps) - Wash Park with the gang and coffee after before going in to work in the office. Did a quick 30 minute Peloton ride when I got home before going down to Berkeley for a movie event. Ultimate Direction was there giving away a ton of samples, so I grabbed a tank top (which I absolutely DO NOT NEED). Fun night.
Saturday (26,210 steps) - Up early because I wanted to get my 10 miles done BEFORE we went down to Berkeley to watch the Western States and Hardrock lotteries. I definitely overdressed for this one. I gave up on the jacket after about a half mile. Other than a fall early on, it was a very "uneventful" run. It was HARD and I walked a LOT.

Once I turned around for the "easy" section, I really tried to concentrate on keeping it easy and keeping heartrate low. Not the best run, but I've certainly had worse. I had just a few minutes to shower before we needed to leave. I had decided not to enter the lottery, but Ben was in for his 5th year and was SURE it was going to be his year. He was right! He was the 44th pick (I can't help but feel like I'm somewhat responsible for him being selected - 44 is my lucky number!)
Quite a few people we know also got in, so that was exciting. The Hardrock lottery was "as expected" - no real surprises on that one. Went home, had a small lunch. Picked up Ariel's friend so they could play video games. Thought we might go out to celebrate Ben getting into Western, but ended up just picking up Yak and Yeti takeout.
Sunday (23,526 steps) - Didn't have to get up crazy early, but I did have plans to meet Kim at Green Mountain at 9:00. It was a LOT windier than I expected. I'm so sick of this weather! I would rather it be cold and NOT windy. I'd like to pretend that the only reason I couldn't keep up with Kim was because the Indian food from last night was sitting well, but I have never been fast at going uphill (or consistent). I lost her after about 2/3 of a mile and ended up doing the rest of the run alone (which was fine). I had 8-10 miles on schedule and did just over 8.
Nothing else?
Monday (14,649 steps) - Work from home. I had a LOT of work to do and my iMac was NOT cutting it. Ben's laptop did NOT magically heal itself, so I ordered a new laptop from Best Buy to pick up.  Skipped the Pika walk so I could get my "hour" run in. I did a route I haven't done in a while and I was happy to see the 12' skeleton was going to be used for Christmas decorations. The run itself wasn't that bad, and once again, I was trying to concentrate on running "easy" and not constantly looking at my watch.
Went to Northglenn to pick up the new laptop. I must have gotten better at figuring out electronics, because I was able to get it set up myself without any major issues - even the second screen! Woot! Not happy about having to spend the money on a new computer, but I also don't want to go back to working in person every day.

  • 111,430 steps
  • 28.74 miles run
  • 30 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...