Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Week in Review (December 7 - December 13)

Tuesday (7,777 steps) - Work in the office. I had to leave early to pick A up at school and then take her to the doctor for her annual appointment. Pretty annoying that it wasn't on a day I was already at home, but it was one of the quickest appointments ever, and the doctor was even EARLY. I didn't even know that was a thing. I was busy enough at work that I actually had to log in when I got back home to finish up. At least Batman was adorable when keeping me company.
Wednesday (17,724 steps) - Up early to do my hour long Peloton ride before work. I just LOVE Cody. No matter how much I am not looking forward to a ride, he makes me smile, plus he usually has really good play lists.
Work in the office. Ariel and I took Pika down to Denver for the annual Runners Edge holiday light run! It is really my favorite run every year. Parking has become quite the headache, and we had to pay $12 to park in a lot. Oof. Ben met us down there.
Pika definitely started out too fast, and was wanting to be in front of the group. Luckily, in the early mile there are a TON of stoplights, so she had to slow down a bit. It was a REALLY warm evening and I was definitely overdressed.

Every year the Civic Center has the best lights (in my opinion).

Pika is a mile high!

First year the tour has had the lower part lit up!

This was a much smaller group than we have had in years past, but it was fun because we actually all stuck together the whole time. After the run we went to Amato's for a beer before heading home. It was really late by the time we left, good thing we don't do this often!
Thursday (8,133 steps) - Work from home. Pika was pretty zonked after running almost 5 miles, so she only wanted to go on a short walk. After work I met Ben at Goldspot so we could talk to Greg and NOT play trivia.
Friday (10,925 steps) - Denver's first OFFICIAL snow of the year! Not many of us were planning on walking in the morning. Imagine our surprise when we had a reporter stop us and ask for our names so that he could put our picture in the local paper! Pretty cool, since it was a record-breaking year. Full article can be found here.
Photo cred: Denver Gazette

Freaking brrr. It was a heavy and wet snow, but luckily the park gets plowed. Stella's for coffee before going into the office for work. The snow was already done by my drive in. After work Ariel and I headed to Sully's house for his annual Christmas party. It was a little weird this year since it was mostly his work friends and only a couple of runners, the only one we really knew was Andrew. The food was delicious, like always.
Saturday (30,830 steps) - Slept in because the only plan I had for running was that I wanted to finish before noon. I had 10 miles on schedule, so I figured I would just run by the house again. I felt like I had dressed warm enough for the temperature, but it was windy (again) and overcast, so I was actually pretty chilly on this one. Didn't feel great for most of this one either - wonder why I seem to be retreating into feeling more miserable again?

Showered when I got home and had lunch. As soon as my hair was dry I actually straightened my hair (I cannot believe I used to do this every day) in prep for my work holiday party. It was a smaller event this year, but it's always a good time. The food was amazing!
It turns out I don't really talk to anyone at work and Ben and I awkwardly sat at our own table for most of the night. We did at least take an awesome picture at the photo booth, haha. Ben is so weird.
We stayed a lot longer than I had intended, and it was about 11 before we got home. I haven't worn heels in YEARS, and my feet were hurting, so I took them off on the drive home. When I got out of the car I promptly dropped one on my foot. I didn't even realize I was bleeding profusely until I had walked all over the house. We had to clean blood off the couch, rug, and kitchen floor. Sigh.
Sunday (18,846 steps) - Slept in a bit later than planned, but since we had both fallen asleep on the couch only to wake up at 2 in the morning, we obviously needed it. Ben had his long run to do (he actually hired a coach to hopefully get him more consistent before WSER) and I figured what I had on deck (30 min easy run, 45 min power hike, 30 min run) would take about the same amount of time, so we headed up to Boulder. What a shock, it was windy again.

At least the way back was a tailwind, and I somehow managed to run really well. I'm glad my toe wasn't bothering me. We had to be done "early" because I had another thing to do... finally get some new tattoo work done! Sheila's son is a tattoo artist and had just opened up his new studio down in Aurora and I had an appointment at 2. We stopped to get some food beforehand, and it was DELICIOUS. Cheese enchiladas are a perfect post-run food! He got about half the work done before we decided to call it quits for the day - I have another appointment next weekend.
We stopped at Station 26 on the way home for a celebratory beer. 
Monday (14,996 steps) - Work from home. Went for a run at lunch and it was NOT great. My calves were pretty achy and then my stomach was off. I had to use the bathroom at the Simms trailhead. The way back wasn't as bad, but I still can't figure out why my heartrate stays so high when I feel like I am running "easy." After dinner we finally decorated the Christmas tree!

  • 109,231 steps
  • 27.9 miles run
  • 65 minutes of cardio
  • 20 minutes of strength training

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