Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Week in Review (December 14 - December 20)

Tuesday (9,323 steps) - 45 minute Peloton ride before working in the office. In addition to a gift card, work gave us snazzy fleece vests. It's really warm, but I'd have preferred a jacket since I'm always freezing.
Went for a walk at lunch. After work I rushed to get A from practice, take her home so she could grab a snack and change clothes for her orchestra holiday concert. This one included the band also, so it was an hour and a half long. They sounded really good!
Wednesday (5,953 steps) - Rest day! I had switched my in office days because I had a client meeting scheduled for Thursday. It ended up working out nicely that I was at home since we had a crazy windstorm that lasted most of the day - it would NOT have been fun to be out in that. I took the below video of our neighbor's trampoline!

Even Pika didn't want to be out, we just did the neighborhood loop for her walk.
Thursday (17,450 steps) - Work in the office. I had an hour long run to do, so I figured I would go at lunch since the weather was nice. This was a pretty sucky run. I had posed the question as to why my heart rate has been so high even during easy runs, and a friend suggested it could be caused by the vaccines/booster. Hmmm. Either way, this was not the most fun I've had, but it was an unseasonably nice day.
Friday (11,291 steps) - Wash Park and coffee with the gang before work in the office
Last day of covering for Nicole - her desk is so insane!
Saturday (26,534 steps) - I had to get up early(ish) to get my long run done. I was a bit apprehensive for this one as the forecast was MUCH colder than anything I have run in for a long time. I left the house just after 7:30 and it was only 14 degrees, which was a lot colder than it was supposed to be. I had mapped out a bit of a different route to get my 10-12 miler in. I actually managed to pick the PERFECT outfit - Rabbit beanie, INKnBURN fleece with the Rabbit Zip & Zoom hoodie, Smartwool neck gaiter, my trusty New Balance fleece tights and Smartwool gloves. I had actually packed my Oiselle mittens as well, but the gloves actually were fine. The only issue I had with my wardrove was my sunglasses! They kept fogging up and icing over because it was so cold. I eventually had to give up on them - which was annoying because even though it was freezing (substantially colder than freezing), it was SUNNY. 
Will run for cow pictures!

Saw a herd of deer that was not shy at all
A few miles in (less than two I think), I tried to get some water - and the straws for my bottles were frozen! I don't think I have ever had that happen on my bottles. Crazy. I was once again trying to run easy and keep my heartrate down. Unfortunately, it still seems like I am working way too hard for my pace. Bah. The areas in the shade were a bit chilly, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had built it up to be. The only section that I really noticed any damage from the windstorm was on Doudy Draw - a few trees that I know used to be upright...

I never tire of this view!

The perfect outfit!
I was getting a little discouraged at how "off" I was feeling, but luckily, when I started descending Spring Brook I felt better - obviously because it was downhill, but still. I struggle with this trail in the summer because it is so hot and exposed, but it's quite lovely in the winter. Because it was so cold, the trails were also relatively deserted, which was a big bonus.
Yay! More cows!

Second time I've had frozen hair this season
Rushed home so I could shower. Ben and I decided to go back to the same Mexican food restaurant before going to get the rest of my tattoo finished! I am really pleased with how this turned out - especially Transylvania - the bat looks AWESOME.
We stopped at a few new breweries on the way home - Novel Strand (which I didn't really care for) and Trve - which I LOVED. I had no idea it was a "heavy metal" themed brewery. Dark and spooky and just my style, haha. The most interesting part of the breweries was they both required proof of vaccination to enter - which was a first for us.
Picked up Marco's pizza for dinner and then Ben and I watched "Old" - which was a lot different than I imagined it would be.
Sunday (6,982 steps) - Slept in. Well not really, because my insomnia is definitely back. Sad. I was glad to have another day off. Lounged around and didn't do much all morning. Ariel and I took Pika for a walk.
We wanted to join the Jackalopes for the Ugly Sweater run, but neither Ben nor I was running today. So we just met them for beer. First one at O'Dells, then over to Joyride. We also got some food at Joyride since we were all starving. Fun afternoon!
Monday (10,167 steps) - Work from home. Had a dentist appointment, then took Pika for a walk. Seriously cannot believe this is December.
Checked my email when I logged back in and found out I am not an ambassador for Squirrel's Nut Butter! I love this stuff and have been using it for many years now.

  • 87,700 steps
  • 16.22 miles run
  • 45 minutes of cardio
  • 0 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...