Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Week in Review (Jan 28 - Feb 3)

Tuesday - 1 mile in the basement inferno and then a little bit of everything (arms, thighs, 8 min abs, little black dress boot camp and yoga/stretch). I really enjoy doing a bunch of really short videos. Yay Fitness Blender!

Broncos Mania in full force Downtown Denver
Wednesday - Really REALLY great 2.15 miles before class. BodyPump killed me. Again.
Thursday - Just over 6 miles. It was Broncos day at the gym, so I did all this in cotton. How I ever did this in the past is BEYOND me.

Friday - 2 miles in the basement inferno. I don't even know why I would do that.
Saturday - Sadly, no outdoor run this week. Way too cold, snowy and icy for someone as wimpy as me. I dragged L to the gym and did just over 4 on the treadmill. Not great, not awful, not as long as I wanted. Oh, and for some reason I wore long sleeves. Why would I do that?? Oh wells.

L brought home VOODOO!!! We had 3 Dirty Bastards to split between the two of us. What a lovely surprise!! Spent most of the day on the couch, but also did some grocery shopping for my great adventure of the weekend - cooking dinner. Yes, I know that many of you do this ALL THE TIME. I, however, do not. So that night, I spent 1 hour and 3 minutes preparing dinner (spoiler, so far we have had 2 dinners and a lunch and there is still enough left for one more lunch). PS - It snowed for like 2 days straight:

Sunday - I did my mile in the basement inferno early, to get it out of the way. Good thing I did, because I literally spent the rest of the day eating. I had thought I might do something else later, but no. I did nothing. We went to get donuts in the morning, then more Target shopping. A had homework about Groundhog Day. This picture has had me lol'ing for days:

Couch/TV time and then headed to my parents house for the Superbowl. What a ridiculous game. I watched it all, except the halftime show. My favorite commercial was the Audi Doberhuahua.
Monday - 5 pretty terrible miles on the treadmill. During the winter, they don't turn on the ceiling fans in the treadmill bay. I DON'T KNOW WHY SINCE THERE ARE A BILLION PEOPLE AND IT IS THE HOTTEST EVER. Speaking of the hottest ever, the cute guy from the gym was on the treadmill next to me for a few minutes AND I saw him shirtless in the sauna again. Best part of my week, lol.

I normally go to Yogurtland every Monday. This Monday they were giving out free froyo from 4-7. I didn't want to wait in line, so we went after the gym, only to find out they were CLOSED for clean-up for at least an hour. We went home, had dinner, and came back. Ended up with 10 free oz. My addiction is getting a bit out of hand. I realize this.

Weekly Miles Run - 21.39 (all treadmill)
Weekly Cross Training - ZERO
Minutes of Strength Training - 98 (slacked a bit...)

Weekly Gain - 0.2 pounds
  • More than ok with the gain. Sunday alone, I literally ate a whole box of Girl Scout cookies. (There are only like 14 in a box now, don't panic).
  • Superbowl was a free-for-all. Jalapeno & Chipotle bratwurst from Sprouts, chips and queso, DONUTS, potato salad, brownies and beer. Yum, yum, yum.
  • I think I only had 1 frozen dinner all week. I took sandwiches for lunch almost all week - another experiment to see if this will save even more money. Not sure on this one yet.
  • Again, did not go out to eat all week (except to get donuts and froyo - those aren't MEALS though, lol).
 Everything Else
  • In the never ending saga that is my job... So I made a risky move on Wednesday. I went into the Office Manager's office and told her I thought it was best if I just put in my two weeks notice. I don't feel appreciated and I don't make enough money to go "down with the ship." She claims that conversations have been had with the Shareholders and that she thinks I will be getting a raise, and she hopes it is a "number that will make me happy." She followed with, I will personally help you find another job if we can't make this work for you. In between all of that there was a bunch of "we really like you and want you to stay." 
  • My boss and the Office Manager have both been out since that day. My boss came down with the newest zombie bird H1N1 swine flu and the Office Manager's son has been really sick. Soooo... as of today, there is still no resolution. I had left the conversation with - "How about instead of giving my two weeks, I will give it two weeks to see if things improve." I guess I have another week to go at this point.
  • Related: Our new attorney started yesterday. It was super awkward sitting in the docket meeting with her and her never being introduced to the support staff.
  • Related: The new attorney wasn't even given a computer, she was told to use the firm laptop while we "shopped for a good deal" on a machine for her. We've known she was going to be starting for over a month. WTF does she still not have a computer???
  • Related: She apparently doesn't have a phone in her office. When trying to transfer to the other assistant's desk we discover there is no longer a phone there. Sooooooo.... are they not replacing her? Why is there no phone? Also, the file clerk's computer broke the other day so she went to use the computer at that desk... and it was gone?
  • Related: I'm still the only assistant - what is this, week 5?
  • Related: Out of all the jobs I've applied for, I've had 2 "no thank you's" and zero interviews.


  1. A's picture is hilarious. She is the funniest.

  2. That is some serious work drama, hope you get a number that makes you happy! fingers crossed for you!

  3. Swine flu? I'll pass.

    And that snow picture makes me sick to my stomach.

    And I'm digging that Out and Back shirt.

  4. good for you with speaking up about not being happy- hope they give you your raise. I just found out today that we're not getting our normal yearly raises that come every february, but that they would most likely paid out this summer- oh budgets!

    It still blows my mind that your gym has "theme days" AND has a coed sauna... dangerous :)

  5. don't fret over the interviews. I know it's annoying to hear "the right one will come along" but it will. I literally interviewed on and off for 2 years until I found this job....but I was super picky on what I wanted. Before this job, I sometimes interviewed 3 times a day (not kidding). Hoping they bump your pay while you keep looking.

    hot boys at gym....YUM.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...