Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week in Review (Feb 4 - Feb 10)

Tuesday - Before work I did a Fitness Blender HIIT Cardio workout, red light green light style. DEAD. Work was the most dramatic ever,  more on that later. After dinner - 1.25 in the basement inferno. Also did a butt & abs tabata video and arms.
Wednesday - 2.15 miles before yet another exhausting BodyPump class.

Thursday - Another HIIT video before work. There was a move called "sidewinder mountain climbers" - UM NO. 5.1 miles on the treadmill at the gym and stretching.

Friday - 1 mile before work. Good thing I did that since I ended up going out for a beer with co-workers after and didn't feel like doing ANYTHING when I got home.
Saturday - 1 easy mile in the basement inferno. A and I later worked her first Girl Scout cookie booth of the season. FINALLY, the weather was nice, although it was a bit windy. They sold over 200 boxes in 3 hours!

We met up with Jessa and her son (and her boyfriend's daughter) for... THE LEGO MOVIE!!! I have been looking forward to this since I first saw the preview. Unfortunately, so was everyone else and our first time choice was sold out. We grabbed a drink at Rock Bottom and then saw the movie (only 35 minutes later than we originally planned). THIS MOVIE WAS HILARIOUS. I really enjoyed it. 
Sunday - Ralston Creek half marathon (my 100th!!). Before dinner, I took the kids roller skating again.
Monday - 4.25 on the treadmill (day 94 of the streak), 5.4 on the stationary bike, legs and yoga/stretching videos.

Weekly Miles Run - 27.89 (14.75 treadmill, 13.14 racing)
Weekly Cross Training - 15 min on the stationary bike
Minutes of Strength Training - 170 (YES!!)

Weekly Loss - 0.2 pounds
  • I did go out to eat twice this weekend. Ruby Tuesday's one day (I love love LOVE their baked mac & cheese) and Smashburger after our race.
  • Wasn't really monitoring food intake. Only two donuts (if I remember correctly), not as many Girl Scout cookies
  • The really really REALLY big news, is that I actually COOKED. Two actual recipes, with ingredients and everything. I purchased a small crock pot and made pot roast (which, unfortunately, A did not like), and then the other meal was "Mexican Casserole" (which A did like).  
  • It was the coldest ever. The phrase being tossed around all week was "polar vortex." This is no joke. We had a day where the official high was -1! That is nuts.

Everything Else 
  • The work saga continues. So, shortly after I posted last week's recap, I got called in to see the Office Manager. I have good news to report!! She was able to secure a 10% raise for me. I'm pleased with that. I will continue my job hunt, as the wage I'm currently at is still very low compared to other firms in the area, but this takes a huge load off my shoulders.
  • Related: Jessa quit last week. Her last day was Tuesday. She put in her notice and they opted to just let her go. Pretty bummed about that.
  • Related: The new attorney was given a former employee's computer to use in the meantime. It is apparently very slow and crashes and has to be restarted multiple times a day. She does not seem pleased.
  • Related: THERE IS A NEW LEGAL ASSISTANT! She started yesterday, and even came back today. She seems nice, and more importantly, I AM NO LONGER THE ONLY ONE!!
  • More big news - I PAID OFF ALL MY CREDIT CARDS!!! Huzzah!! First financial goal of the year is complete!!


  1. YAY for 100 half marathons and a raise and another helper at work!

    AND Girl Scout Cookies... YUM

  2. On the work and financial side, things are way looking up! Huzzah indeed! And on the fitness side, man you are killing the strength. How do you do that? I would die of boredom/weakness. Mostly weakness.

  3. congratulations on paying off credit card debt!!! I had zero credit card debt for awhile but then realized (For me) i need to start using it again and just paying it off each month to raise my score a bit for when time comes for house buying.

    I'm with A- i don't like 'roasts' either, one of the few things I didn't like as a kid that I still don't like

  4. Yeah for paying of your credit card, what a huge relief! And on top some positive changes at work this week. Good for you!!

  5. ooh!! great week for you!! yay on new assistant and the credit card! I hope to pay mine off at the end of the month. I would've eaten one bazillion girl scout cookies. They are my favorite!! I have a super easy bbq chicken crock pot recipe and chili recipe if you want either of those!

  6. Great job on the credit cards & the 10% raise. The real feel here last week was -4*, Brrr! And how do I get me some girl scout cookies?


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...