Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#NotEatingAllTheThings (Week 16)

Read about previous weeks here.

Tuesday - 2ish mile bike ride with A. Tank top arms, Abs & Obliques, Little Black Dress Boot Camp, Butt & Thigh videos.
Wednesday - Run club! 3.25 fast(ish) miles with Heather. Felt pretty good! We had 5 runners that were heading up for Leadville, so of course it is fitting that New Balance was there with the Leadville 1210 to try. And I LOVED THEM.
Thursday - Tank top arms, Abs & Obliques, Little Black Dress Boot Camp, Butt & Thigh videos. Also... speed work on the treadmill! 1 mile w/u @ 10:50, 1x1600 @ 9:43, 4x800 @ 4:46, 4:41, 4:38, 4:34, 4x400 @ 2:16, 2:14, 2:13, 2:08, .2 @ 2:09 cool down.
Friday - 2 hour deep tissue massage, followed by drinks with a co-worker.
Saturday - 14.78 long run with Hope.
Met up with Hope and her daughter for lunch and back to school clothes shopping. And then... a night of bar hopping with same co-worker.
Sunday - 6 mile trail run with Hope, 1 hour (plus) of roller skating with A, Tank Top arms, Abs & Obliques, Butt & Thigh videos.

These are my new Leadville 1210's!! I got them for only $70 on eBay (NEW!!) - Wore for 6 miles and LOVED them.
Monday - A speedy 10k on the treadmill. I did another progressive run and time flew by watching American Horror Story.

Weekly Loss - 0.8 pounds

Thoughts on the Week
  • Still no food tracking. Appetite has sort of resumed over the last few weeks. Could be a bit of an increase in my mileage?
  • Food highlights this week? Red velvet pancakes from IHOP, sweet potato fries, Big Kids Grilled Cheese from Panera, Pho!!!
  • The beer is still incredibly out of control. 
  • As for running, I am so happy that it has not been terrible lately. A few months ago I posted about "lack of a base" and I'm sure that running MORE makes it not as bad? 
  • Related: My IT band has been bugging a bit. Trying to stick and stretch so I don't end up where I was last summer.
  • A race has FINALLY used my picture for a promo!! Remember when I ran IMS Arizona in February?? There I am on the end!
  • I haven't talked to J in over a week. He keeps trying to be "friends" and every once in a while hang out together. That is just not going to work for me. Or A.


  1. 1.Cute black and white striped skirt!
    2.Look at you and your speedwork. Nice!
    3.A is adorable.

  2. Not relevant to this post but wanted to say thank you for your review of the half marathon in Parkersburg, WV (sent you an email but not 100% positive that remembered your address correctly). My husband & I ran it last weekend and had a great experience.

  3. a 2 hour massage sounds amazing.

    friends with ex doesn't work, I agree.

    love all your cute workout clothes and that great picture of your daughter.

  4. Your 2nd grader looks so hip! Looks like she's gonna knock it out of the park this year! Love the striped skirt!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...