Tuesday, August 13, 2013

#NotEatingAllTheThings (Week 15)

Read about previous weeks here.

Tuesday - Tank Top Arms, Abs & Obliques, Butt & Thigh, Feel Good Stretching.
Wednesday - 2ish mile bike ride with A, Little Black Dress Boot Camp and Slim HIIT Cardio videos.

Thursday - SPEED WORK! I had planned on 800's, but I am in NO shape for that. I ended up doing a bunch of 400's and they were NOT the most awful ever. Butt & Thigh, Tank Top Arms, Little Black Dress Boot Camp, Abs & Obliques

I did .1 at a 6:58 pace and ALMOST DIED. Respect to my fasty readers!
Friday - Nada - except for a long drive to Ouray.
Saturday - Mt. Sneffels half marathon
Sunday - Tank Top Arms, Abs & Obliques, Butt & Thigh, Little Black Dress Boot Camp, Tank Top Arms Round 2. Not crazy about the "Round 2" so I won't do it again.
Monday - Progressive treadmill run - 7.35 miles at an overall sub 11 pace!! This was actually really great and I would have run more if I had time. I started watching American Horror Story and it made the time FLY by.

Weekly Gain - 0.6 pounds
  • My first gain since my Birthday weekend!
  • I'm supposed to be in "maintain" mode so I guess this is ok.
  • I did NOT count calories at all and I pretty much ate whatever the heck I wanted all weekend.
Overall thoughts on weight loss:
  • This was not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Once I started eating less, I was hungry less. WHO KNEW?
  • I have not increased my miles as a way to boost weight loss. I have, however, incorporated a lot of strength training and toning and I think that has helped as well.
  • I did #eatallthethings this weekend and what it taught me... I will eat what is in front of me. So if I want to maintain I just need to not go crazy. I had a stomach ache pretty much the whole weekend as a result of my indulgences.
  • Beer... trying to cut back. It is still out of hand.
  • But... I think the results speak for themselves - after 100 days:
What's going on in non-weight loss areas of my life:
  • I hate my job. I should really be looking for something else... but I'm so lazy :(
  • I've been trying to not talk to J, but every 5 days or so there is an exchange of texts or emails and it usually leaves me really ragey and angry. The end result is I'm apparently really immature and HAVE TO get the last word in. Which doesn't ever make me feel better and doesn't help the situation.
  • Related: I'm apparently a Twitter stalker, so until I get this all under control I'm not going back.
  • I'm working on this:

And... because I'm crazy, I decided to sign up for a 100K... It's not my fault! Registration was 50% off and the race is put on by the same group of people that do the Moab race I love:


  1. Great job on your weight loss. No, it may not be hard, but it is also not easy! Kuddos to you!! An question to you: Do you have DVDs for you other stuff, the arms, butt, leg workouts? I am coming off of a bad injury and need to do more than just run. Thanks!!

    P.S. Don't linger in a job you hate, it will eat at you. Even if it does take a bit, doing something to look around will energize you some. In the 80's and 90's I moved several times after not liking my job and the hunt always helped the dislike of the current job. Been at my current job almost 18 years, so worth it to keep looking! Good Luck!

  2. Oh my god, that 100k is coming up so soon! Need someone to come out and crew? :)


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...