Tuesday, August 27, 2013

#NotEatingAllTheThings (Week 17)

This will be the final installment of my super interesting weight loss journey. You can read about previous weeks here.

Tuesday - 2 mile bike ride with A around the neighborhood. While I was doing my videos (tank top arms, abs & obliques, butt & thigh, little black dress boot camp), A was doing a training run on my treadmill. Had I mentioned that she is running the "mini marathon" that is linked with Denver Rock n' Roll this year?

And I think I'm finally getting some definition in my arms???
Wednesday - 5+ miles on the treadmill at a SPEEDY pace for me.
Thursday -  Videos (tank top arms, abs & obliques, butt & thigh, little black dress boot camp)
Friday - Nothing. I had dinner at Hope's house because A was spending the night! After leaving A, I went to a friend's house and had a few beers and watched some tv. Home "early-ish."
Saturday - I officially joined Runner's Edge of the Rockies! A had spent the night at Hope's house the night before so that I could join Hope for the long group run down in Lone Tree. We found out the night before that it was a HILLY route, with almost 100 feet of gain per mile! I was looking forward to the challenge. It ended up being a GREAT run and the views weren't too shabby either. My first 20 mile training run since before Eugene!

Sunday - For now, I am sort of piggybacking off Hope's training plan since I don't really have one right now. She had 8 miles on schedule for the day. We decided to check out a new (to us) section of trails out near Morrison. It was a lot hillier than the trails that we have been running the last few weeks and our pace was a lot slower. But it was fairly shaded and it was beautiful! This trail is called "Lair O' the Bear." Really happy we decided on an early run (we got there at 7), because on our way back there were a TON of bikes, and the parking lot was full. Later that night I did 3/4 videos, skipping the boot camp.
Monday - Treadmill run - 5.73 miles in an hour. That is the FASTEST for me. I wore my awesome new singlet. Best outfit ever (that isn't INKnBURN of course).

Weekly Loss - 0.2 pounds
Total Loss - 18.8 pounds

This will be the last installment of the #NotEatingAllTheThings experiment because I feel I have hit my goal weight and I have found the balance I need to maintain my weight.

Final Thoughts:
  • This was the first week in months where I sort of monitored my beer intake. I really only had beer on Friday, which is HUGE for me.
  • This is a reminder that I need to still watch what I put in my mouth because if I go crazy and eat everything, I'll be right back where I was before.
  • The food is way more important than the exercise.
Other Musings:
  • I haven't talked to J in weeks. I think that finally now that there is ZERO contact, I can finally start to move on. It still sucks, but it is not as bad as it has been the last few months.
  • Work - blah blah blah blah. Still not great, but I got some new work clothes that FIT and it's been a little fun getting "dressed up"

  • And finally... I came home from the gym last night to a random package from FedEx. Inside was a very nice note and THIS:

So if there was EVER any doubt...

Sorry for the overload of eCards, I find them HILARIOUS.


  1. You are indeed fucking awesome. And I love ecards as well. A fabulous time suck when you have nothing else to do.

    Do you own ALL the InkNBurn clothing? #jealous #toomanykidstoaffordmorethanoneoutfitayear

    I love love love that first work outfit. Minus the heels, cause I'd break an ankle.

  2. You are pretty awesome! 18lbs down -- great work!!

  3. i'm so impressed with your weight loss. it's so important to think you're awesome, because if you don't, who else will?!?! keep up the confidence.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...