Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Normal (Week 1)

I kind of enjoyed doing the weekly summaries for #NotEatingAllTheThings (more for my amusement and not for yours, sorry) and cramming all the pictures from the week into one post instead of short posts more often. So... I'll just keep doing that.

Tuesday - 1 mile run at the track with A. She decided with about .15 to go that the other random guy on the track was NOT going to pass her and she took off. Fastest pace? 6:23. I died trying to keep up. We also did a 2 mile ride around the neighborhood and I did arms, core and butt/thigh videos.
Wednesday - 8+ mile run on the treadmill. I had planned on an hour, then maybe 7 miles. I felt good, so I ran longer. That's nice.
Thursday - Got up early and did the arms, core and butt/thigh videos. I left work at 12:30 and had lunch with my co-worker. Picked up A at school at 2:30 and then drove to the airport. Flight to California was uneventful. Delicious dinner of PIZZA (start of an #EatEverything weekend). We went to Yogurtland, where we briefly met up with Madison. No pictures, since I am the worst blogger ever. I feel like we went to bed early, but I already have forgotten.
Friday - Stopped and got donuts for breakfast. TASTY TASTY TASTY. Heather got an extra pass for Disneyland, so in addition to the other Heather, me and A, L and H, we had Gabs along for the ride too! Did you know that California was the HOTTEST PLACE ON EARTH on Friday?? It melted the kids in submission and they were the most well-behaved children on the planet. We rewarded the children with giant waffle cones and a trip to Build-A-Bear. We spent about 45 seconds at the expo. Bought zero things, and still SUPER DUPER UNIMPRESSED WITH THE DUMB UNISEX GIANT SHIRTS. For the billions of dollars I spend running Disney races, I would REALLY like a shirt I could actually wear again. Grrr. Dinner was spaghetti! Deeeelicious.


And the kids didn't even make it home before falling asleep...
Saturday -Disneyland 10k!! (You'll have to wait for the recap). We went to the INKnBURN warehouse sale, where I bought ALL THE THINGS. If only I had more time and money... our plan for the remainder of the day was going to the "lagoon." A fancy schmancy "beach" about a mile from Heather's house. We spent all afternoon there. Zero pictures. We had Costco pizza for dinner since the power at Heather's house was out ALL DAY. Bed early?

The bottom right neon tank was actually for someone else...
Just kidding. I took ONE picture. Not of the kids, but of the hot guy in the white swim shorts. Yum.
Sunday - Disneyland Half Marathon!! (Again, you'll have to wait for the recap). Brief trip to Downtown Disney, where I was on the lookout for a shirt for my next Disney race, but FAIL. After we all showered, we went to In N' Out for lunch. L had to leave to go back to Denver early afternoon. UNINTENTIONALLY, we went to the mall afterwards. Tried on some things at Lulu (buying nothing) and had CUPCAKES!!! Tasty dinner of hot dogs and... more beer!

Monday - Wake up at the crack of dawn to go on a 10 mile trail run with Heather on the Pacific Ridge trail. We were lucky enough for a bit cooler temperatures and some heavy fog for the first half. Turns out, most of the downhill was in the beginning as well. The second half was uphill and hot. But so pretty!! Took the kids to the pool for a few hours and then did... nothing. But, we had MORE PIZZA for dinner. I love pizza so much. SO, SO MUCH.

  • I ate EVERYTHING this weekend. Seriously, all of the things. I had donuts - every single day. I had pizza (3 times!!!). I had In N' Out. I had candy. I had so many food items I really can't even remember what I ate.
  • I had the best time visiting California. It is so much nicer to go out there and not have to just turn right around and come back.
  • Also nice? Heather living the dream and not having to work while I was there!
  • Social life is still non-existent. I posted a ridiculous status on Facebook and have been informed that internet dating is the new cool thing, BUT NOT THE FREE SITES. I guess I will check that out at some point.
  • I am registered for double half marathons this weekend, but I think I'll skip the one on Saturday and do a 22 mile run with Hope and my new training group.


  1. What a great trip.

    Looking forward to the recaps.

  2. I got the email for the Ink-n-Burn warehouse sale, but in the Disney madness, I forgot all about it. It looks like you cleaned up though. Were the deals pretty good?

    I keep hearing about how I should get into internet dating too. However, one of the friends who told me to do it also made a snide comment about another friend who was doing it. Evidently you have to do it on the down-low and only talk about it afterward.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...