Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Normal (Week 2)

Tuesday - Last day in California. Womp. We didn't do much except get MORE donuts and then Chili's for lunch. Our flight was mid afternoon, so we pretty much had to head to the airport right after lunch. Flight was uneventful. However, get to Denver and the lot tech at the parking lot I always use neglected to write down my car's location... THANKFULLY, one of the other people on the bus was parked in my same row or we could have been driving around all day. Beautiful sunset on the drive home.

Wednesday - 8.17 miles on the treadmill at a sub 10:30 pace!! WHAT!!!! I'm so happy I picked up the Tokyo Pop shirt at the INKnBURN warehouse sale. I just love it so much, it is so "me." Also did the arms, core and butt/thigh videos. Especially after taking a week off from doing these, they were The Hardest. I am so weak!!

Thursday - Munchkin mile with A at Lake Arbor. I was too weak to bother with anything else. The heat is so draining!


Saturday - 22 miles of The Hottest Hot ever. I had been registered for a local half marathon, but since I have done the event before, I chose to skip the race and run with Runners Edge and Hope instead - to get in more mileage. The group run started at 6:30, but with highs forecasted to be in the mid 90's, we opted to "moonlight" and start at 5:30 instead. The first 1.5 hours were great, and *almost* chilly. But then the sun came out and we roasted. We ran a nice section along the Louisville Trail and the turnaround was on Marshall Mesa - exposed and HOT. The last aid station ran out of water, and the second half was MISERABLE trying not to die. But, got it done! Later that day A and I met up with my friend from work and her son and sat at a park while the kids played FOR HOURS.
Sunday - American Heroes Run half marathon in the morning. Then A had a birthday party at the local amusement park. We went right after lunch, getting there about 2. We didn't leave until almost 7. She had a blast. The night was spent doing laundry and picking up EVERYTHING off the floors as we were having our carpets cleaned for the first time since we have been in our house (4.5 years). After all THAT, I did the three videos - arms, core and butt/thighs. DEAD.

Monday - Three or so weeks ago, the passenger window in my Mini decided it no longer wants to stay shut all the way. As soon as it hits the top, it drops back down. If I manually tick it up, I can get it to stop CLOSE to the top. I had this SAME issue last March. Long story short, I get to the dealer and they claim they have NO record of me ever having this issue before and they want to charge me $125 just to look at it and I SNAPPED. Finally a manager came over and said that I'm "barely" out of warranty and they will take care of it for me. I did get a loaner car - THE GIANTEST VEHICLE EVER, the Mini Countryman. HUGE. (FYI, as soon as I got home I found my service records and in fact, DID find the paperwork for the window issue). Did NO exercise again.

Gain - 2.6 pounds
  • So... I skipped my weigh in last week since it was the day that we got back from #eatallthethings in California. I'm up 2.6 pounds in the last two weeks, even though I have run a jillion miles. So, apparently, I need to remember that I simply cannot eat everything. So disappointing.
  • Beer was a bit higher intake the last few weeks after sort of leveling out, so guess I will have to watch that a bit too.
  • After a lot of internal debate, I shelled out the money and joined match.com. I have not had a ton of creepers contact me, but I've had a lot of responses. There are a few guys that I even gave my number to that I have been texting with. One in particular is going to be my first "meet up." We were supposed to have lunch Monday, but rescheduled for today, so hopefully it is good!
  • Work has been INSANE. In addition to being busier than usual, I am still not caught up from the days I took off from Disney. Time has been going by fast, which helps.
  • I have one half marathon (a night race!) scheduled for Saturday, and then the next race is the Bear Chase 50K! I am really excited to be running with Hope for her very first ultra! (I hope she does not hate it, since I am the one that encouraged her to run it!). I love the event and have run the 50 mile (in 2011) and the 50K (in 2012). I am sure I will be back next year too.
  • And... I think I am ready to attempt a 100 miler again. I have been in touch with the race director for the 100K I am registered for and think that I will be upgrading to the 100 mile. L and Hope have both offered to pace me, as well as another friend. It is  a local race, and I feel I'm as trained as I will ever be.


  1. you are brave to do an internet dating thing. I have no idea how I would navigate the dating world if that were to happen. I never even really dated when I was young.

    I hope you meet someone normal. :)

  2. What a week! Thank goodness they are going to take care of your car. It sounds like a hassle.

  3. Good grief! That's why you still have to hang on to paperwork in this "paperless" world. At least they took care of it for you.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...