Monday, January 30, 2012

Tinker Bell Race Weekend - Friday

Since I was bringing A with me again, I decided to get there a bit earlier on Friday so that we could do some non running/race related things.

EARLY flight out of Denver. Nothing of any interest happened at the airport. Although. If you pack an entire suitcase filled with nothing but 26 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, security is a BIT suspicious. FYI. Arrived in Orange County around 9:30 am. A friend of mine picked us up at the airport. We hung out a bit, enjoyed lunch at Chipotle, then headed to the beach to kill time until Heather got off work so we could hit up the expo.

Within minutes, A was covered in mud and wet up to her thighs. BUT. She was having fun.

Things were going very well until she got swarmed by ladybugs and had a meltdown. Yes. Ladybugs. Apparently, they are terrifying. Luckily, by the time I had A cleaned up, Heather had managed to find us at Huntington Beach. Quick stop to drop off luggage and A at her house, then we were off, KID FREE to the expo.

oooooh yeah! (Thanks, Heather)
Like most Disney races, it was chaotic and crowded, although nowhere NEAR as bad as I remember from Disneyland. Practically experts after just doing this same packet pick up a few months ago, we knew exactly where to go to get all our stuff. Had to re-print waivers since I left them in my suitcase, and it still only took a few minutes to get my bib and A's bib for the kid's race.

We walked through the expo. Disappointed that Sparkle Skirts were already out of goodie bags :( Picked up a new pair of race legs and an AWESOME wrist wallet. Why a wrist wallet, you ask? Well. Sparkle skirts, sadly, do not have pockets. I don't always like to wear a race belt since they seem to sit on me funny and I spend a lot of time adjusting. So I got the wrist wallet thing to hold GU and other small items. Spoiler: It was FANTASTIC during my race.

Manage to get in and out in well under an hour, AND only spending about $28. Score!! I honestly can't remember what else we did, although I *do* remember that Heather made some bad ass lasagna. I ate a TON, as it was probably some of the best lasagna I've ever had. We discussed our plans for the kid's races in the morning, and although I had every intention of staying up later, I managed to fall asleep about 4 minutes into an episode of "Castle" around 10:15. Apparently, I was exhausted.


  1. It was so nice to meet you at the meeting on Saturday. Your daughter is just so cute! Love your Tink costumes. They look amazing considering you had to scramble to finish them up. You two are so crafty!

  2. Fun fun fun!!!!

    I'm so impressed with how little you spent at the expo. I wish I had that will power!

  3. You know what's so funny is at the end of my very first 20 mile run back in 2008, we got swarmed by lady bugs in Huntington Beach and we were all screaming. But we also kind of questioned the entire incident since we'd, well, you know, run 20 miles for the first time in our lives.

  4. Can't wait for the race report. And you hit the expo in a sparkle skirt? Love that!

  5. love the pictures!

  6. Sounds like a great weekend so far! Ready for the next episode.


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