Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Day in the Life...

So on the days that I don't work. I often wonder... where the heck does the time go?

7:40 - Wake up. Snooze.
7:45 - Get out of bed. Tired.
8:00 - Eat a bowl of oatmeal
8:15 - Help A get ready for school
8:40 - Take kids to school
9:00 - Kids in school, head home
9:10 - Leave for gym
9:20 - Arrive at gym
9:30 - Ride for one hour, while reading "Life Expectancy" by Dean Koontz
10:35 - Leave the gym
10:45 - Go to the bank
10:55 - Go to Target, grocery shop
11:20 - Clean the bathroom (mirror, sink, toilet)
12:00 - Shower
12:15 - Throw in a load of laundry
12:20 - Head to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch
1:15 - Leave Sweet Tomatoes. Love me some salad.
1:30 - Arrive at home
1:35 - Throw clothes in the dryer. Check emails. Print RnR Arizona confirmation. Clean the bathtub.
2:40 - WTH? Where did the last hour go??
2:41 - Watch a partial episode of Criminal Minds
3:05 - Drive to pick up A at school
3:20 - Arrive back home
3:30-4:45 - I have NO idea what happened in this time period. NO CLUE.
4:45 - Leave to take A to ballet
5:00 - Ballet
5:30 - Leave ballet and drive to parents house
5:35 - Dinner at parents house
6:20 - Arrive at home to pick up J
6:30 - Arrive at skating rink for A's girl scout skating night.
8:00 - Leave skating rink
8:05 - Put away A's laundry, get her ready for bed, read story
8:50 - Start watching Biggest Loser from DVR.

J and A at the skating rink
Man, am I going to be screwed when I get a full-time job again. I did nothing and everything all in one day.


  1. You squeeze a lot into the day.

    Love Criminal Minds...even the reruns.

  2. That is one busy day! Go you!

    I, too, love Criminal Minds!

  3. Busy!!

    I love to watch Criminal Minds every night while in bed falling asleep. Such a great show!


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

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