Sunday, January 8, 2012

Some Things Sunday

Well. I missed Three Things Thursday. And there is a whole lot of random stuff out there that doesn't need it's own blog post.

1. I pulled this on Thursday afternoon. I have never EVER been #1 on the leader board on Daily Mile. Ever.

2. There is a NEW FLAVOR OF LUNA BARS!!! Excuse me while I squeal with glee. I love these things, and I adore the chance to try a new flavor. I'll be testing this one out before RnR Phoenix on Sunday.

3. I got a damn speeding ticket on my drive back to Colorado. I wasn't even going that fast. Doesn't this seem pricey?? It's my first ticket since the 90s :( I really wish I knew how people got out of traffic tickets, I bet this makes my rates go up too.

4. Have I mentioned how much I love a deal??? I got a $10 check from Dick's Sporting Goods for my rewards, and since it's free money, of course I have to use it. I rarely can find something I want for $10, so I usually end up getting GU. This time? I got some AWESOME new Mizuno shorties (originally $24.99 marked down to $7.98!) to wear under my sparkle skirts AND 2 gels. And paid only 61 cents out of pocket. Can you say BARGAIN??

5. Speaking of a bargain... Look at the cute shoes I picked up on eBay a few weeks ago! Super good deal on these.

6. And finally... Instead of my normal ritual on Friday morning (super early wake up and 20+ mile run), I was having surgery. I hate the IV in the hand thing. It hurts :( I slept most of the day Friday, and have literally spent the weekend in a near coma-induced coma from eating too much. I really am not in any pain, taking meds only to put me in a deeper sleep at night. And yes, I plan on my regularly scheduled run tomorrow.

 7. As an aside. I really don't do resolutions. But I have GOT to do something. Over the last 2-3 weeks I have felt myself spiralling out of control with my eating. My exercise is right on, but my food is NOT. I am eating all sorts of junk, and even while doing it, I know I "shouldn't" be. Every once in a while, I recognize I will "binge," but this has been going on for far too long, I'm starting to get concerned. I've never been one to really track calories, but maybe that is what I need to do to hold myself accountable. Thoughts? What do YOU do when you get off track??


  1. Congrats on the leader board (and the awesome deal)!

    The IV picture....just ouch. I have a reputation for passing out when I have my blood drawn so I feel your pain.

    Hang in there!

  2. Hope surgery went okay, and it's nothing serious! :) And running 24 milers? Girl, you are rocking 100 mile-training!

  3. Ugh with the IV, Hope everything is alright. I too love getting the $10 back from Dick's :)

  4. Great job on the leader board and the score at Dicks! Great lookin' shorts.

    I hope you are feeling well.

  5. Did you just pull a 24 miler the day before your surgery? Crazy. I hope it wasn't anything too serious.

    Love those shorts! And the deals!

    I'm on a "diet" right now to get my eating back in line and drop a few pounds. It does help that I have a big FB group to be accountable to. I really just need a few weeks of better eating to get off the bad habits of indulgening too often. You know the, "I run a zillion miles so I CAN eat all this crap if I want to" habit.

  6. What a great deal at Dick's. LOVE the shorts!!! Hope you feel better today!

  7. Congrats on the leader board. I've made it a few times but never first.

    I NEVER find good deals. My daughter and husband have the best luck finding deals when shopping. Cute shorties.

    Hope all is well with recovering from surgery. The IVs always hurt until you find that one position that doesn't hurt and try as hard as you can to leave it there.

  8. bam! congrats on the mileage-- awesome!!!! nice finds & i bet that new luna flavor is AMAZING!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...