Thursday, November 17, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. L and I didn't have anything on our schedule in February. We had been eyeballing the Austin Marathon... yes, the marathon. I have family there, so I save a lot on not needing somewhere to stay and not needing to rent a car. But then found out that some others are planning on running it too... Kim, Lisa, and Becca. Turning it into an EPIC weekend!

2. I have a new blog hero. I was referred to his blog after asking for suggestions on how to (possibly) train for a 100 miler... If you are at all into ultra running. Check him out. He is HILARIOUS and takes some really sweet pictures.

3. I am registered for spring classes!!! Only will be taking 6 hours in the spring, but I (thankfully) will be down to just 2 days a week in classes. YAY!!! For some reason we have next week off from classes, but all that means is I will finally be writing my Sociology term paper.

BONUS - Three Products I'm Eyeballing

Razzy Roo socks!!! (Use code PROMORW for 10% off!!)
Showgirl Skirt from Team Sparkle (perfect for New Years Eve race??)
Hello Kitty/Asics Arm Warmers (So adorable!!)


  1. So, you don't need a place to stay in Austin? Check out my FB note about the hotel...
    I'm so glad Austin is working out for everybody!

  2. LOVE the holiday cheer compression socks :)

  3. I'm glad I found your blog - and thanks for the shout-out!

    You have been busy, you totally have a solid base to shoot for the 100. I know what you mean about searching for info. I couldn't find much about 100 training plans. I'm excited to follow your progress, keep up the good work!

  4. Hi Becka.

    So excited to have another runner join 2012!

    As I mentioned the sponsors at this point are iFItness and Chica Bands. There is a women's apparel online company that wants to wait until January to decide.

    iFitness has committed to sponsoring Twelve in Twenty Twelve. They will give us each a single pouch belt with bib holder and a tech tee. In exchange for blog posts about each of the events we run and an iFitness logo on your sidebar. They also asked if we have photos of us wearing the belts that we post them on their FB page. And if anyone is interested they would like to have help at their expo booths for the races that we attend. I think it would be fun to see that side of an expo so I said I would be interested. Definitely not required.

    Still finalizing the details with Chica Bands. So far it's very similar to the commitment with iFitness.

    What do you think? 2012 is going to be fabulous!

    I noticed your post on RLRF. Off to read more. I'm finishing the book and plan to start using the training next year. I'd love any tips or opinions you'd be willing to share.

    You can contact me at

  5. Austin is a great city. Have fun!

  6. loving the socks!! i need to get some. i love my compression ones though- are they athletic style socks? no blisters??

  7. i love me those razzy roo socks!!! know you have me eyeballing them too!


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