Saturday, November 5, 2011

200th Follower Giveaway

This is just a simple thank you to my followers. I did not get this donated from Apple or iTunes. Thanksgiving is coming up, and one of the things I am thankful for is my dedicated blog followers. Thanks to all of you I have received advice, support, and most importantly - made friends. To show my appreciation, I'm giving away a $25 iTunes gift card.

I won't "force" anyone to be a follower just to get this, although obviously that would be nice. Only requirements for an entry? Tell me something that you are thankful for.


If you are a follower, you know I recently had a biopsy (that thankfully turned out to be negative for cancer). I think that cancer research is VERY important, but I don't have any specific ties with a charity. However, one of my very good friends (most of you probably know her), Heather, has a daughter with leukemia. Heather is raising money for PCRF to run the Cinco de Mayo half marathon in May. Anyone who is kind enough to donate through Heather's fundraising page will earn a bonus entry for every dollar donated. Information about the PCRF charity and their goals can be found here. Please leave a separate comment stating amount of donation.

I'll close the giveaway next Friday at 5:00 pm MST and announce a winner shortly after.


  1. If I didn't have this passion for running, I don't know what I would be doing with myself..... for that I'm thankful.

  2. I'm thankful for good friends and family. I love thanksgiving time! No presents to give, just enjoying hanging out with friends and family

  3. I'm thankful for my boyfriend , who is my biggest supporter in anything I do and he taught me to believe in myself, no matter what!

  4. I'm thankful I get to read this on my new tablet!

  5. I am thankful for a wonderful husband, friends, and family!

  6. I am thankful for my children who make me smile every day :)

  7. I'm thankful for my mom. We went through a cancer diagnosis and surgery with her earlier this year and now im going through some personal issues myself and she is standing right by ready to support me no matter what.

  8. I am thankful for a partner that supports my renewed running passion, I am thankful for a family that supports me everyday and I am thankful for those who inspire me.

  9. I thankful for my family and the love that we continue to share.

  10. i'm thankful for running blogs to read! I get to fuel my obsession a little without annoying my family and friends (as much!)! Thanks! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  11. First I am happy to read your results came back with great news

    I am thankful that my kids are healthy and to be their mother

  12. I'm thankful for my health. Without my health I wouldn't have the ability to engage in the activities that I love most like running. I'm also for my family, boyfriend and friends. The last three years have been interesting, challenging and demanding. Without them I'm not sure I would have made it :)

  13. I don't want an entry, because I don't download music (lazy?), so I'm sure someone else will enjoy it more.

    But I am glad to be following you!

  14. first off I feel like a horrible friend- I had no idea about the biopsy till I saw your post the other day about how it came back benign. I was in the car with Jill H and I asked if she knew what you were talking about and she filled me in- so glad everything turned out for the positive.
    I'm thankful for so many things. More than anything in the world I want to be able to start that next chapter in my life- build a family and a home. Since its not in the cards right now I'm thankful that I was able to find something else (running and racing) to fill that void I've been missing. If it weren't for that, I don't know where my sanity would be.

  15. I'm thankful for a husband who supports my running obsession.

  16. i’m overall very thankful for the life I have right now. Thankful for my family, friends, bf, health, i could go on and on. life is just good.

  17. My husband just died 3 weeks ago.. What I am thankful for are the 30 years of memories that will help me keep going.

    I am thankful for our 3 wonderful children and 2 grandchildren. I am thankful that our 2 month old grandson has somehow survived a serious case of bacterial meningitis. I'm thankful right now that everyone is healthy and safe.

  18. If you want to spice it up a little, you should do Rebel Race Indiana. It is a really fun mud run with obstacles like a wall climb called the Great Wall of Rebel Race. There’s another obstacle called Ninja Turtle Tunnels. Its time to relive our childhood- lol. The website is

  19. I'm thankful to have made lifelong friends and discovered wonderful blogs such as yours (i'm serious!) through running.


  20. Just found your blog, love that you're such a go-getter! I'm thankful for my health and my wonderful family and boyfriend.

  21. I am BEYOND grateful for friends like you. Pink sparkly heart grateful.

  22. I am thankful for my sister. Without her I wouldnt have made it through the past year.

  23. I'm thankful for MY FAMILY. My bros, sisters, parents, husband, little boy & my second kiddo that's on his thankful for family.

  24. i'm thankful for my loving and supportive family!

  25. Found your blog through Daily Vitamin F and just wanted to say Aloha!

    I won't use the gift card so please don't count this as an entry... someone else may want it more.

    But I am thankful for my pregnancy! I had a scare a few years earlier and wasn't sure if I could have a baby and now we're counting down the weeks till baby's arrival!

  26. I found your blog through Daily Vitamin F! Uhm...HELLO INSPIRATION!!!! I think I will stick around and see what else you have up your sleeve =)

    I am thankful for my husband and my kids! They are the reasons why I aspire to be a better person!

  27. I follow via GFC.
    I am thankful for my husband who is so loving & supportive!
    littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

  28. What a lovely giveaway!! :) I am so thankful for my husband!! We just got married in June and he is everything to me!! :) I am so blessed :)

  29. I am thankful for my kids, my husband, my family and friends, and to be able to run. By the way, I love your blog. I, too, want to run a half in every state. I only have 49 more to go!

  30. I am thankful that your biopsy was negative! I am thankful for my family, always, who support me no matter how much an inconvenience this running thing has become for them.

  31. Today I am thankful to still have a job because our company is laying people off each and every week.


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...