Friday, November 25, 2011

Louisville Turkey Trot (Race Recap)

Louisville, CO
Thursday, November 24
Weather - Sunny, WARM

We were originally going to do a Turkey Trot in Arvada. But. We waited too long to register (Hey, it's Colorado. If it's 5 degrees outside and snowing, I'm not running). Luckily, there was another option. And this one was FREE. Yes, you heard me. FREE. The Louisville Turkey Trot was FREE with a donation item (either clothing, shoes, toiletries, blankets, etc) for the local homeless shelter. So. Louisville it was.

I'm never quite sure why I sign up for short distance races. I really don't like them. I am slow, don't pace well, they just aren't fun. But. Free.

Starting Area
We were able to park about a block from the starting area, got our bibs and timing chips (yes, even though it was free, STILL TIMED), and went through the bathroom lines. Twice. We actually got recognized. A lady said, "Hey, are you the two girls that dress alike and ran the Bear Chase?" Why, yes. We are. Hilarious. Went through the bathroom line again, and literally the race starts as we are headed to the start line. Which meant we ended up behind dogs, strollers, walkers, kids. Blech.

The first quarter mile or so was a lot of dodging, but on a city street so it was ok. Then we entered the trail area, and it really narrowed out. I did ok for about the first 3/4 mile and then pretty much crashed and burned. It was HOT (relatively speaking, this IS Colorado), in the upper 50s. I was ROASTING. My calves were ok, but my thighs were burning. Probably not a good idea that I did a tempo run the day before. I ran with L until just past the first aid station (there were THREE).

I started my unplanned walking around 1.2 miles in. Really? I can run a whole marathon without walking, but not a 5k? There is something wrong with me. the course was on trail, so I was getting lots of dirt/pebbles in my shoes. And it was crowded. Plus, the course was short. The turnaround should have been about another .1 out. Even with all THAT, I still ran a disastrous race. I barely ran sub 30 (officially 29:54...), and keep in mind the course measures 2.91 miles per my watch. Bleh. I doubt I'll ever PAY to run another 5k. They are just no fun.

Grabbed a candy cane and Clif bar at the end, took a picture:

and headed out. We had lots planned for Thanksgiving!

Quick shower and lunch at home. Then I took L's boyfriend to the airport. Took A and H to the park, went to the Muppet Movie (which was AWESOME), and then family Thanksgiving dinner. Stuffing and chocolate cheesecake are MY favorite Thanksgiving foods :) Relaxed at home, watching Megamind in the recliner. I got to go to bed early since J is one of the crazies that went out for Black Friday shopping at 9 pm.

So. What are YOU thankful for? I'm thankful my MS is still in remission, having a biopsy that was negative for cancer, my awesome family, and RUNNING.

Happy Holidays!!

PS - I never heard from Anais, so the new winner... 

Yay, Lisa J, contact me! I can email you the code or mail you the physical card. Congrats!!


  1. Congrats to Lisa J., lucky girl!
    Hey--5ks aren't really that bad. And you guys looked fabulous. Sorry you didn't have a better race.

  2. So on facebook the other day I saw you were planning on doing the Louisville 5k and I kept thinking, wow thats kind of far (was thinking in KY Haha) I totally understand the dislike for 5ks. I'm doing one next week just to redeem my time from last year.
    Your happened to be the first blog I read this morning, so excited I won! If its easier you can email me the code or facebook message. Just let me know what you decide :)

  3. I am so impressed that there was a free 5K with chip timing! Very cool!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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