Sunday, November 27, 2011

Amphipod Vs. Ultimate Directions Race Belts (Product Reviews)

*I paid for these products, they were not given to me for promotional purposes*

So I'm super annoying when I race. I am obsessed with running with my iPhone. I like to take pictures before, during, and after races. I'll pretend THAT is why I'm slow... In order for me to race with my phone, I need to have a belt that is big enough to hold it AND doesn't bounce around. One would think that wouldn't be too hard to find. During the summer, and when I train longer distances, I run with this belt, and I love it:

The above is called the "PR10" and it is made by Ultimate Directions, retailing for about $25. However, there are some times when I really don't want to run with a bottle. The way the PR10 is designed, is that the bottle holder is "stiff," so even if I don't have the bottle in, it is... bulky. I know, I'm being picky.


  • I can rotate the belt around my waist without my number moving around or anything bunching up
  • The zipper pocket holds my iPhone
  • Pouch holds a 10 oz bottle
  • Adjustable waist
  • Snaps to hold race bib in place
  • A bit bulky to travel with, even if the bottle is removed

So, I was on a mission to find a smaller race belt (yes, even a belt with one bottle is bulky when travelling) for shorter distances, or when it is colder and I don't need the extra fluid. I came across one from Amphipod and I decided to shell out the money for it:

This one is called the "Race-Lite Go" and retails for about $20, but I got it on sale at my local running sale for about $15. I LOVE IT. It fits comfortably, does NOT bounce around, holds my iPhone, and still holds my bib in place. The only complaint that I have is that the zipper pull is a bit hard to use, but I think with a little bit bigger of a tab on there, I can open and close more easily. Really happy with this purchase, and it is a LOT smaller than my other belt.


  • Small and compact. Great for shorter distances and travelling
  • Zipper pocket will hold iPhone (and probably other stuff with it, but I typically don't store anything other than  my phone)
  • If I rotate the belt, the pouch is not attached so my bib can get messed up. Try not to do that.
  • Zipper a bit difficult to open and close if I leave pouch at my back
I've tried other belts in the past. I tried one that I could add/remove bottles, but I didn't like that the belt itself closed by Velcro. I ruined a few tech tops because of that. I've tried two other smaller race belts where my phone bounced around like CRAZY. Nothing more annoying that spending a whole race messing with a belt.

The above two have been tried out in half marathon distances (or longer) and have not annoyed me. I recommend them both!


  1. You just gave me an idea! I have an iFitness belt that I use if I am racing or doing a long run and want my phone. It has two pouches - which I like because then the phone won't be smashed up against any GU or keys. But when I'm running and I'm reaching behind to grab the phone I can't find the zipper. I should just add some small zipper pull to it! I never thought of that until you pretty much said that in your blog!

  2. I have tried so many belts my collection is almost comical. I've finally found the perfect belt for me and it's iFitness! Pretty much perfect for running.

    They're sponsoring 12 in 2012 so you'll get to try one out. No, that isn't why I said they're perfect haha :)

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