Thursday, February 3, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. I've posted a few times about my good friend (and fellow blogger & runner) Giraffy's four year old daughter being diagnosed with leukemia. Want to help?? "The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation is holding its Annual "Cinco de Mayo Races" on Sunday, May 1, 2011 in Irvine. The money raised will fund research that explores causes, treatments and cures for pediatric cancer." She is raising money, you can find her donation link HERE.

2. I have felt like crap all week. I'm suffering from a pretty nasty head cold. Usually after a day or two I feel better, but I started feeling sick last Saturday and I'm not noticing too much of an improvement. At least I don't have a cough, but man, I'm congested. Hate that.

3. This last race kicked my ass. I was tired and felt out of shape. I was insanely sore afterwards, which almost NEVER happens. I figured the soreness in my left leg was a result of the downhill course. However, I did a treadmill run last night and it HURT. Since it's left leg only, and with the recent issues I've had, I'm self diagnosing as shin splints. I iced on and off front of ankle and shin for about 45 minutes last night. This is really going to hinder my last minute training for the Lost Dutchman MarathonWhat do YOU do for shin splints??


  1. Shin splints: ice ice ice! Plus, compression socks. And not just for running. Wear them to bed. Plus, stretching your calf muscles (I do mine on the first step of my stairs). Plus, Ibuprofen before I go to sleep. I know...Ibuprofen + running = not the best combo, but just one before I go to sports PT told me to try that. Feel better!

  2. agree with silly girl running. ice and compression. :)

  3. Hm... this is no time to be sick!! Hope you feel back to normal soon!!


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...