Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I went to BodyPump class like I do every Tuesday. Usually I'll do 20 minutes on the crossramp or elliptical afterwards. This time I decided to run, figuring it couldn't go any worse than Monday's run.

IT WAS AWESOME!!! I could have easily run another 30 minutes. I didn't feel injured, fatigued, treadmill sick, etc.

So rare to have a good treadmill run lately, so this was a nice treat!

That's my half marathon pace! I never seem to be able to do that on the treadmill!


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Week in Review (February 18 - February 24)

Tuesday  (13,394 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch - StairMaster and strength training.  As a...