Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's hard to train for a marathon without running


After the 3M half marathon last Sunday, I had some MAJOR aches in my left shin. I waited a few days before running again and then had a completely miserable treadmill run last Wednesday. Thursday I took it easy. I went to a BodyPump class and did 20 minutes on the crossramp. Friday? Nothing. Saturday? First weekend up to the mountains for snowboarding!!

A at ski school
I started snowboarding last year after a 20 year hiatus on the slopes. I skied as a kid, and was decent at it. I do NOT get snowboarding. I cannot grasp the concept of "toe edge" and I spend the entire run on my heels. Which last year meant I was SORE in the legs for DAYS after boarding. This year I didn't revert back (phew) and I wasn't sore on Sunday. I had the best of intentions for running a few miles at some point during the day on my treadmill at home. But then... I just didn't.

We had a small "party" for the Superbowl, and instead of running I ate a lot of chips, had a few brats and beers.

My dad with A and my niece, H

Then comes Monday. My leg is feeling good (phew), but I am TIRED. I feel out of shape. Normally I try to get in 8+ miles on a Monday, with at least an hour of hills. This one I did manage "some" hills, but BARELY scraped by with 5 miles. And they were 5 very MISERABLE miles.

What did I get myself into with running a marathon in less than 2 weeks???


  1. These pictures are so cute!!
    I can't see myself snowboarding. I started skiing in the 2nd grade, but I also had a long hiatus. I haven't gone in a few years and I really miss it. But snowboarding. Hm. I think I'm just a skier!

    That sucks that you're in a running slump. I bet you will come out of it fabulously in time for your marathon!!

  2. I think you are a little crazy, but that makes you special! Good luck, at least you have a great base of miles from the winter...

  3. I like to think that the worse my runs are leading up to a race, the better a race will be. Like, in plays, if the dress rehearsal is awful, the play will go off without a hitch, right?

  4. Honestly, if I ran as much as you do, I'd think I was ready for a marathon with 5 minutes notice! You get A LOT of miles in. You'll be good :)

  5. I think you need to give the legs a rest, you will still be fine I am sure but I would take a break on the mileage, if you don't enjoy it do other things for a few days..get on the eliptical you will get bored so fast you will enjoy running again!

  6. I just saw you are doing the Disneyland half marathon..me too..

  7. I hear ya on the not training. Been having that problem all year and now I signed up to do a full in Seattle this June. EGAD!! what have I done? Keep up the great work :o)


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