Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. Originally we were doing a back-to-back race weekend for Disney Princess. The other race got bumped to a week later, but I had already booked our travel. What that means is that we arrive late late LATE Thursday night (like around midnight) and don't leave until Sunday late afternoon. I got to thinking... and did some research... long story short, the hotel offers a child care service, so I'm bringing A along! She will have a sitter during the half marathon, but I've signed us up to do the 5K on Saturday. My mom is working on making her a costume, we are thinking Minnie Mouse. I've never signed up for a race knowing I'm not really racing, but I am so so so so excited for this :D

2. I've officially booked all the travel for Phoenix. What's happening in Phoenix? The Lost Dutchman Marathon... in a month. Um. Yeah. Well, I haven't done any running longer than half marathon except for that 15ish mile run on Christmas. Guess this weekend since I'm at home I should try to squeeze one in? L was possibly going to join me for the marathon, but her leg is still really bothering her, so I'm doing this one solo again. Yikes.

3. Race schedule is coming along nicely. I'm booked through about... September. If anyone has any interesting races in August, let me know. I've got about ten states I won't have run in yet, but I don't see anything "good" for that month, currently it is WIDE open.


  1. Oh my gosh YAY!!! My mom and I are walking the 5K together, too! Cute - two mother/daughter teams. Okay, there are probably a lot of mother daughter teams for that weekend. It is going to be so strange to just walk. I have never done that. But I think it will be fun to just have fun and enjoy the scenery where I'll show my mom backstage places or tell her random stories of my life at Disney that she might not know yet. I'm really looking forward to that one! That's so cool that A is coming and going to be a part of it all!

    Hot diggity dog - a Marathon! Cool!!

    This is the raddest 3 things Thursday EVER!

  2. Mini Mouse. SO CUTE!

    And yay for a marathon. I love Phoenix. It's so pretty out there.

  3. A will be the cutest little minnie! How fun! I’m thinking of doing the RNR Providence race August 7th. Can’t remember if you like the series or not but its the inaugural year for this one.

  4. Racing with A! That will be so much fun! And the photos will be so cute! :)

  5. Check out Rhoade Island on August 7 2011

    I ran the Princess half last year. It is so fun!

  6. Wow! Another marathon so about the 5K!!

  7. Yeah, August seems kinda dead unless you can get to RI.

  8. I think I need more information on racing schedule.... only 10 left after August?!?!?

  9. What about WI in August. Check out this one:


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