Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things I Can Control

Really, it seems like nothing. But the only thing I *do* seem to have any control over is my race schedule. Now I know that just because I am signed up it doesn't mean I'll be able to run. But. I've finally tweaked my race schedule for the first time in a jillion years. On the books... lots of little races I'll do locally if the weather cooperates. But those I don't sign up for until a day or two in advance. I don't like snow/ice well enough to run in it if I can help it. And of course I have quite a few national half marathons lined up. 

However... in addition to all THAT?

Another marathon - The Lost Dutchman in Apache Junction, Arizona:

And *slightly* crazier Greenland Trail 50K in Larkspur (at 7500 feet elevation)...

I'm pretty sure I need to have my head examined.


  1. I'm pretty sure you need it examined, too! ;)

    I'm still trying to comprehend what a 50K even is!

  2. Wow ... 7500ft! Much respect on that one!

  3. wow another marathon- great job! Also I nominated / tagged you as one of my 7 'stylish blog awards'! For details to carry it on, rules are on my latest post :)

  4. that's around 3o miles right?! crazy! but very cool!

  5. WOW - a50k trail run! You can do it :)


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...