Thursday, January 13, 2011

Three Things Thursday

1. Munchkin Mile!

It snowed last weekend, and it has been SUPER cold ever since, so there has been very little thawing. This morning A really wanted to run, and it was a BALMY 35 degrees out. Her new Sauconys might be the reason she wanted to run!

We had to take it super slow since most of the path was covered in ice, but we saw a fox (no picture, wasn't running with my phone). Silly guy ran across the lake!

2. TREADMILLS!! I can't decide if A having her own is cool or incredibly disturbing. Either way, she loves hers.

Photography by a 5 year old
3. This weekend I'm headed to Bermuda to take part in the Bermuda Triangle Challenge!

Yep, that's three races! First day is a mile race. I've never raced shorter than a 5K and I'm absolutely NOT a sprinter, so if I can do even close to 8:30 I'll be ok. Second day is 10K. My goal is to CRUSH my previous 10K PR of 1:01:47 (ideally I'd like to do under 57 minutes). Third day is a half marathon and according to T @ Racing With Babes, the course is pretty hilly, so my goal is sub 2:08. The coolest part about the challenge (other than being in Bermuda) is the bling! One medal for each race, plus a fourth for doing all three!


  1. 1. didnt know they made tiny treadmills- that is so adorable. Is there a weight threshold or age limit?
    2. how awesome to do a 3 day race in BERMUDA!!! One more country to get under your belt :)
    3. How in the world did you hear about the challenge?

  2. Bermuda! wow how fun. there's worst places to go for a race I am sure!!! :)

  3. Three things of Awesome!

    I love the Munchkin Miles! That is too cool you saw not only a fox, but a fox run across a lake! I've only seen one fox on a run, and he was bouncing through a field.

    The treadmill thing is too cute --- you have a mini-me!

    And this Bermuda thing sounds so rad!

  4. The little treadmill is SOO cute!!! A is totally your mini-me :)

  5. That looks like an awesome race. Good luck!

  6. Hi... I am a new follower :)

    That's such a cool race!!

  7. I love that A has her own treadmill! And cool new Sauconys! :) So freakin'cute! :)

    That Bermuda race sounds awesome! 4 medals? Hello! :)

  8. That Bermuda weekend sounds incredible!! Love little A's treadmill, where did you find such a thing??

  9. Just tagged you stylish! Check my blog to see!

  10. Have fun in Bermuda! Sounds like a fun racing weekend!

  11. I tagged you stylish! See my blog to check the rules of the game :)


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