Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November Already?

October Goals (Recap)
  • Run twice a week outside of racing (minimum). SUCCESS! I ran all scheduled runs.
  • Get a 20 mile run in. SUCCESS! Did a 20 mile run (16 loops around a lake!)
  • Try for another PR, but at minimum keep all half marathons this month sub 2:10. SUCCESS TIMES TWO!! PR'd the course in Maine, then beat THAT when I raced in Alaska. All races were sub 2:10. 
  • Fix my foot. SUCCESS! Not sure what I did, but I continued to ice every night, whether I was running or not.
  • Be a badass at the Athens Marathon - SUCCESS TIMES 26.2!! I did much better than I ever hoped I could!
November Goals
  • Continue running twice a week outside racing.
  • Try for another PR (of course), but keep both races this month sub 2:10.
  • Start working on Yasso 800s again. Start from ground zero since I haven't done them in over a month.
  • Stay healthy!!
  • Not running related - GET.A.JOB. :( Still unemployed.
My goals this month are pretty simple. I am entering a month where I have very little racing, so hopefully I can start incorporating some speed work back into my training. I have continued doing hill training on the treadmill at least once a week, and I really think that has helped immensely during some of these races that are not "flat and fast."

As an aside, I'm only a little over 75 miles away from running 1,000 miles this year. How cool is that??


  1. WOW, you are kicking butt! 1000 miles is awesome,but even more impressive is your October!!!! You rock!!! Good luck with finding a job!!

  2. You rocked it in October! Good luck this month on both the running and non-running fronts!

  3. Late congrats on your marathon, what a story! Great job.


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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...