Monday, November 15, 2010

Miss Munchkin Turns 5!

OK, another non-running related post. My sweet little A turned FIVE years old. Already???

A is about a month old here. And I'm... hairy
Almost a year old
Two years old
Three years old
Four years old
We had a busy day planned! First thing to do? Going to see Megamind... in 3D!

After the movie we headed to Ruby Tuesdays. I'll admit, this was more for me than for her. I was absolutely starving and they have a spectacular salad bar. She was happy with her grilled cheese sandwich, and because it was her birthday she got a free sundae. Yum.

Next... to "Jumpin' Jordys" - a jumpy castle place. She had an absolute blast, playing for over two hours:

I really thought I could still get her to take a nap, so we headed home. I watched the football game, and I'm pretty sure she was playing instead of resting... After all this? Yes, there was more! Family birthday party at my parents house.

Hello Kitty princess cake - made by Grandma

A, Me, J
We ran out of candles, so only lit three. Oops.

L, H, and her friend, R

My goofy nephew

New baby doll from Grandma

All the fun and sugar caught up with her early... Put her to bed an hour earlier than usual.

New baby doll, "Eva" 


  1. That looks like quite the awesome birthday! You had me at grilled cheese! :)

    Happy Birthday to A!

  2. Oh, gosh, it is too fast isn't it? Mine is right behind yours, and she's already so grown, it hurts.

    Happy Birthday, Princess!

  3. What a perfect day! I love the photo of the two of you in 3D glasses.

    Happy happy birthday, A!

  4. Aww, she is adorable!! Happy birthday! :)

  5. Happy Birth Day to you both! Your mom makes an incredible cake - I'm thinking I should hire her for my kids' birthdays!

  6. Wow! That's what I call a birthday! :) She looks adorable! :)

    By the way: you don't really look that hairy. ;)

  7. Adorable pictures.



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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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