Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Week in Review (April 18 - April 24)

Tuesday (15,706 steps) - Work in the office. Did my Peloton strength training during lunch. After work I headed over to Green Mountain for another evening of volunteering doing trail maintenance. While we were doing some actually trail work, the back half of the night was collecting litter off the trail. I swear, this area gets the most trash I've ever seen (didn't get a pic of all the trash we did pick up though).

Wednesday (20,247 steps) - Work from home! Went for an easy run and took Olive for a walk at lunch. Ariel had an afternoon track meet, so I headed down and brought my laptop so I could work remote. It was REALLY FREAKING COLD. 

She was only a few seconds off PR pace for the 1600 but had a rough 3200 thanks to all the wind. I ended up taking her out to dinner at Salsa's afterwards. 
Thursday (14,835 steps) - Since I worked from home on Wednesday, sadly, I had to work in office. Rushed home after work so I could grab Olive and head to Belmar. Ran with Paula and Maya, like usual. 
Friday (13,015 steps) - Skipped Wash Park and coffee since Pete was out of town and no one else seemed motivated for another cold morning. Worked in office and met up with Ben for a beer since A had prom. Here's one pic - isn't she lovely?
Saturday (23,932 steps) - ANOTHER SNOW STORM OVERNIGHT. WTF. Did some deliveries and made cinnamon rolls for breakfast. 
She is very interested in ducks
After I took Olive for a walk I headed up to Broomfield to meet Ben for a run. It was still cold and snowing for a bulk of it. Had a beer before heading home. Blah.
Sunday (23,603 steps) - "Slept late" and did some deliveries. Took Olive for a walk. I couldn't believe we'd had enough snow for someone to make this snow family. The biggest one was about my height.
I had a great plan to run to 4 Noses to meet Ben for a beer. They were doing a special evening with a hawk for Earth Day. 
Monday (17,492 steps) - Work from home and started really packing for Cocodona. Can't believe it's only a week away! Just need to nail down my drop bags...

Robin and Olive are a big help

  • 128,830 steps
  • 22.62 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength training

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Week in Review (April 11 - April 17)

Tuesday (13,092 steps) - Work in the office. Went for a walk OUTSIDE. It's been so long since it was nice enough to do that. Cross training at lunch. Did some deliveries and took Olive for a walk before meeting Ben for a beer.
Wednesday (21,509 steps) - Stopped to get coffee on my way to work and my tire light came on. Great. Since I have run flat tires, figured it could wait to be dealt with until my next remote day. Work in the office. Walk at lunch. Traffic was a nightmare after work thanks to a baseball game. I hate this time of year. Rushed to get to Boulder to meet Kristin and Tyler for a "fun" run (that ended up being shorter than I wanted, but since I was late anyway, I figured I would just take what I could get).

Same picture, but Tyler took this of me going up, haha
The run itself was '"fine," and I surprised myself by getting more segment PRs. We opted to all have a beer together for Colorado Pint Day at Southern Sun (and Joe was working!)
Plus, we got nachos, which is always delicious.
Thursday (30,824 steps) - Headed to the tire place first thing in the morning. Bad news, a flat. Good news, it actually wasn't on a sidewall, so it could be fixed. Last weekday "long" run of the training cycle. Chilly, not super memorable other than I was not into it and it was slow, but ok.
Took Olive for a walk at lunch. After work, headed to South Table to do my first trail work of the year. Fun night!

Friday (11,019 steps) - Wash Park and coffee. It wasn't even supposed to be bad weather until evening, but by the time I got in the car, it was lightly drizzling and raining pretty good on the drive down. We cut the walk short, and none of us were sad about it. Rained/snowed on and off for most of the day. Did some deliveries. No recollection of anything else.
Saturday (40,219 steps) - Did some deliveries before going out for my run. After all the moisture I was hesitant about trails, so I did a big loop around the neighborhood, including some "new to me" areas. I felt really great until I didn't - maybe mile 14? I didn't walk at all though, so that's always a success to me.

Good news was that the few areas that were dirt were NOT muddy at all. Woo! Took Olive for a walk, had lunch and met up with Ben and Tyler for a beer. 
Sunday (39,456 steps) - Did some deliveries and took Olive for a walk before meeting Ben for a run at Rock Creek. Really felt like garbage most of this run. Didn't take a picture until we were done. But it was "hot" and blah and not the best. Last "long" run for a bit though.
Went to 4 Noses for a beer.
Monday (20,156 steps) - Work from home. Headed out for a delivery before work - TO FIND MY TIRE LIGHT ON AGAIN. I thought there was NO way, so I checked the menu and it was like 3 psi, so FLAT. Initially added air, but that was blown through by lunch, so after my easy run (seriously, my HR was like 123 the whole 4 miles) and a walk with Olive:
I was BACK at the tire place. BLAH. At least again, it was nails in the center of the tire and could be fixed. Where am I driving?? Went to Costco after work and picked up a few groceries and got a pizza for dinner. After eating I did some deliveries for a bit. 

  • 176,275 steps
  • 48.69 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength training

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Week in Review (April 4 - April 10)

Tuesday (10,252 steps) - Work in the office. Cross training at lunch. Did some deliveries after work - and surprised it was STILL snowing. Stopped early enough to pick up Chipotle for dinner since A's track team was doing a fundraiser
Wednesday (21,114 steps) - Work in the office. I found this meme to be hilarious, and applicable.
I had yet another hill workout to do, so I headed to Boulder. They apparently got a LOT more snow than we did. (Or maybe it just "stuck" - ours didn't). The lower trails were hardened mud - not as bad as it looks.
As soon as I got nearer to the trees, the snow was more prevalent. 

And then, the mud started when I got near the top of Mesa.
The repeats themselves were...ok. Had I really thought about the weather we have been having and chance of poor conditions, I maybe would have used spikes for the lower part, as it was really pretty icy. For my longer repeats, I hit a few sections like this - with slush :(
I stopped by Roost on my way home since they were hosting a Leadville event (with food). The lot was a nightmare and it took a while to get a spot. There were also one million people IN the store, so I left, mainly because I was feeling claustrophobic. 
Thursday (27,998 steps) - Work from home. The garage door guy came by and looked at it. We did some troubleshooting, and his initial thought was to replace the wire from the wall unit - and he gave me the wire to do it! Super nice guy that didn't rip me off. I took Olive for a walk to gauge how muddy the trails at the lake might be, and they seemed fine, so I ran there and it was quite lovely!

Olive and I went to run club later - and ended up running alone :(
Friday (13,668 steps) - Wash Park and coffee. Still somewhat chilly in the mornings.
I wore my "Easter" ears since it was Good Friday. Work was VERY slow - because I guess it's a holiday or something.
Met up with Ben for a beer.

Saturday (40,899 steps) - Had plans to meet up with Ben pretty early in the morning in Boulder so we could do a run at Walker Ranch. I had mapped an additional segment heading down towards Eldorado to get some more time on the trails and more climbing. Really glad I brought a jacket, as it was relatively chilly and I ended up keeping it on the entire run! At 7,000', there was a shocking amount of ice and mud. Most of the run was fine, and we did a lot of hiking, but man, I am REALLY getting tired of ice.

Really thought we were gonna die on these stairs

We turned around at this sign - not sure how they enforce the passes though
We stopped at Under the Sun for brunch and one beer. The skillet I got was DELICIOUS and I devoured it.

Took Olive for a long walk at the lake. 
Lounged around a bit and then met Ben at Resolute for one more beer - I brought Olive with me. She is really good in public! She's so quiet.

A had a track meet, but it was in PUEBLO, which is HOURS away, so she told me not to drive down. She had to leave at 5 am for the bus and didn't get home until like 9 pm. She ran the 3200 and got a PR though! Yay!
Sunday (32,220 steps) - Didn't want to get up early, but still had a "longer" run to do. Did a few deliveries, then met Ben in Boulder for a Dowdy Draw/lower Eldo loop. Initially I thought I would feel like garbage, but it ended up being a pretty good run. And my ears were definitely a hit!

Took Olive for a walk. Did quite a bit of deliveries in the evening, and the tips were really good! I guess people are more generous on Easter?
Monday (24,843 steps)  - Work from home. It was supposed to be HOT, so I went for my run early. It was actually a pretty good run!

Took Olive for a walk. She REALLY wanted to go down to the beach.
Ben stopped by to fix the wire for the garage, PLUS I finally gave Blue-C a car wash. I'm really hoping we don't have any more snow in the future. Ugh. Had the new gyro kit from Costco for dinner and it was REALLY good.

  • 170,994 steps
  • 46.46 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 30 minutes of strength training

Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...