Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Week in Review (January 24 - January 30)

Tuesday (10,266 steps) - Work in the office. Took Olive for a walk when I got home. The snow is sticking around forever.
We even saw a fox on the way back! I tried to get a video, but I messed up hitting record, sadly. He was really cute, not at all mangy like the ones I used to see a few years ago.
Upper body, glutes/legs and core for cross training. 
Wednesday (22,500 steps) - Work in the office. I had a big vert day on schedule and decided to head to Sanitas in Boulder. (Ironically, I have lived in Colorado my entire life and have NEVER done it. I had no idea what to expect, but it looked like the most "bang for my buck" in terms of access and gain). I found the lot without issue and headed up. The parking lot and initial lower trails were a sheet of ice, so I was really glad that I had put my spikes on. I got hot immediately with all the climbing, so I took off my sweatshirt and tied it around my waist.

Most of the climb was actually ice-free, but I left my spikes on anyway. I was also REALLY pleased that even without my poles, the climbing wasn't that bad. Maybe I'm actually in better shape than I used to be? 
I got about halfway up before I needed to use my headlamp. It was a really beautiful night, and although I saw a few people on the trail, it was certainly not crowded.
There were a few places I wasn't sure where to go, so I was glad that I had loaded the map onto my watch. Got to the summit (for the first time) - woo!!
The trail down was a little sketchy and hard to find at the times. Luckily, after maybe a third of a mile, the trail became some easier to navigate single track before turning into a wide dirt road. That part was nice. Then, off I went to do another round. I saw eyes on the climb up and was worried what kind of animal it might be, but it was just a herd of deer. 
This loop was faster since I knew where to go, but it was also colder. I had plans to meet up with Larry, Terri and Tyler in Louisville, but I still needed a bit more climbing. I started another climb up the hill before I heard back from them where they were and realized I would need to bail. Didn't quite hit my goal of 3,000', ending about 400' short. But, pleased! Drove to Superior and met up with the gang at a restaurant to go over some last minute logistics for Rocky Raccoon pacing. Then, had to go home, shower and make dinner. LONG day.
Thursday (23,289 steps) - Work from home. Took Olive for a walk at lunch. I had a run I needed to do at lunch. It may look sunny, but it was windy and I did not enjoy it.
After work,  Olive and I went down to Belmar. We did the C25K with the gang again. For the first time in a group setting, Olive actually peed/pooped. Go, Olive!
Friday (13,873 steps) - Wash Park! Not as cold this week, and Stella's for coffee after.
Worked in the office. The dog walker sent me this funny picture of Olive on their walk. Seems about right!
After work I stopped by Molly's to pick up the Outer Range Hoplark that I finally found again! I did give one of the 4 packs to Tyler, it's not ALL for me. 
Then I had to pick up my order at the grocery store. Took Olive for a walk.
Saturday (24,715 steps) - Since Runner's Edge was in my neck of the woods, I headed over there, although I was NOT looking forward to it. I'm glad I brought my headphones since after the first half mile I was alone. I had started with a jacket but got warm after the first few miles, so I shoved it in my pack. Most of the route was ok, but I was glad to have been wearing trail shoes. Also, some of the trail sections weren't marked well, so I was glad it was in my area and I knew where to go.
Had breakfast at Panera and stuck around for over an hour before going home. Took Olive for a walk. Went to Costco and watched TV. That must have been all. 
Sunday (21,570 steps) - "Slept in" as much as I ever do. It was supposed to be VERY cold again today, but I had 90 minutes on schedule. Once it got above zero I met Ben to do miles at Rock Creek. Other than being cold and windy, it wasn't bad. I don't think we have run together since... 2021?
I like looking like I have a moustache
I headed home to walk Olive. THAT was worse than the run. 15 minutes with her (temp was -6!!) and I was ready to cry because my hands were so cold. Ben and I got pho for a late lunch. Rest of the day was spent under a heated blanket trying to warm up.
Monday (24,980 steps) - Work from home and another stupid cold day. I logged in early so I could do my run at lunch at the "warmest" part of the day, which was still barely above zero. My nose had been the part of me that was the coldest the day before, so I finally broke out the balaclava (that I bought maybe 15 years ago for snowboarding and have NEVER used) and planned layers better. Top - Rabbit EZ long sleeve tee, Patagonia Airshed and Patagonia Nano Puff. Lower Body was my trusty New Balance tights and over that my Smartwool skirt. 
Spoiler, I wasn't really able to keep the sunglasses on because they kept fogging up. I was wearing my Oiselle mittens and they actually got hot a few times and I ran holding them for a bit. Layers were actually really good!
Towards the end, I had to pull the balaclava down because it was too hot. Overall, for almost 9 miles,  was dressed appropriately. Plus, I saw a pair of bald eagles!
Once again, the walk with Olive afterwards was the worst. I think it's the slower pace and all my sweat catching up to me making me cold. After work I went to Costco again to get gas and because I was having regrets about not buying a few things. I need supervision. 
I haven't had the animal crackers yet, but I'm REALLY excited to try them
Brought a pizza home for dinner. As an aside, I am re-watching "Lost," and even though I haven't watched since it ended in 2010, I remember quite a bit and I'm enjoying it.

  • 141,193 steps
  • 38 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 50 minutes of strength

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...