Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Week in Review (February 21 - February 27)

Tuesday (19,456 steps) - Work in the office. 
I love my Crues!
It was actually warm enough for a walk outside at lunch. I had moved my run because the weather was SO nice. I headed to Candelas to run the southern Rocky Flats trails. I had 45 minutes on schedule, and the first 10-15 were fairly horrific and painful, but then things loosened up and it was good!
Took Olive for a quick walk when I got home.
Wednesday (10,488 steps) - We got MORE SNOW. SOOOO SICK OF WINTER. We had a mandatory in-person staff meeting though, so off to work I went. And boy, I looked adorable.
Thankfully, nothing alarming happened at the meeting. Plus, we got free lunch, so that was nice. After work, I took Olive for a walk, even though it was like -2 (with an even colder "feels like") temperature. Olive didn't care. She loves snow. 
Can you see her ice beard? So cute
Meanwhile, I almost froze, and that's WITH remembering to wear the balaclava. Short yoga video before dinner.
Thursday (15,439 steps) - Work from home, thankfully. Took Olive for a long walk at lunch and I really thought I was going to die. Even with the sun out, it was NOT warm, and I was miserable. With that said, we still went to run club! Maya was a no-show, but Maureen and Colfax actually came. I haven't seen them in a long time. Mo isn't really running, but we did jog the first mile or so and did some shorter running segments. Olive had a blast, like usual.

Hi, I look crazy.
Friday (16,612 steps) - I was the only one stupid brave enough to meet up with Pete at Wash Park. Holy crap, this was sooooo cold. My hair froze within the first 10 minutes.
Work in the office. Walked on the treadmill at lunch. Took Olive for a mid-length walk after work. It was actually a lot warmer, about freezing! Woo!
Saturday (11,679 steps) - Headed up to Boulder. I had only 45 minutes on schedule and originally thought I might join Rev Run, but then thought I should take Olive and do some trails. She did REALLY good. 

Spent a bit of time at Runner's Roost waiting for Tyler to finish, then we went to Resolute for a beer. Yum!
Ariel and I went to Amy's house to celebrate her son's birthday. Then headed home. A had to work, so that meant a LOT of tv for me. (Grease and like 3 episodes of Lost). Leftovers for dinner.
Sunday (12,622 steps) - Didn't have a run on schedule, but did have a 45 minute walk. Figured I could do a run/walk, something easy with Olive. Hoped that it wouldn't be too muddy yet at the lake. Olive was doing a LOT better with not pulling!
Unfortunately, after about 2 miles, we hit a LOT of really bad, slick mud. It was NOT fun. And that's also when I discovered that dogs can get "mudballs" too :( Olive was not super thrilled. We got off the trails as soon as we could. Unfortunately, she was VERY muddy.
That meant... bath time.
She actually did really well, and didn't seem too upset about it. Ben picked me up and we went to the tap room for a beer, then up to Salsa's for a late lunch. Nothing else.
Monday (25,291 steps) - Work from home. Went for my run at lunch (and it was ok, but really windy) and took Olive for a walk. Went with Ben to Cherry Creek to check out the Freebird store. I found tons of stuff I liked, but he didn't love anything he tried. A quick beer at Woods Boss before going home.
Took Olive for a walk and then another night at dog training. Didn't go as well as last week, she was having a much harder time with follow-through. 

  • 111,587 steps
  • 21.18 miles run
  • 0 minutes of cardio
  • 10 minutes of strength

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