Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Week in Review (January 25 - January 31)

Tuesday (5,850 steps) - Work in the office. I left work a bit early because of "snow," but by the time I was walking out it had stopped, and the drive home was fine. When I got off work I did my first Bike Bootcamp class. Holy moly was that tough. Supposedly I burned less than 400 calories doing this, but I was DEAD after. Good change of pace, actually kinda fun.
Wednesday (19,950 steps) - Work in the office. Headed up to Boulder for a trail run after work since I had a vert goal of 1500' to get in. I had mapped out a route that I thought would get me pretty close to it. I opted to wear my spikes because I figured it would be pretty icy. HOLY MOLY, did I completely underestimate how much snow they got! 
The lower Skunk trail wasn't too bad, but by the time I got to upper Mesa/Bear Canyon and then Fern, it was a nightmare. 

I realize that I take a pic of this bridge EVERY RUN, but I just love this view

Thankfully some other foot prints were on the trail or I'm not sure I would even have been able to find it. This was insanely difficult, and it seemed WAY longer than it was. 
I texted Ben to have him meet me at 4 Noses for a beer when I finished. We picked up some Southern food from the food truck and it was delicious. 
Thursday (17,899 steps) - Work from home. It started snowing early morning, and continued snowing heavily through lunch. It was still snowing when we took Pika for her walk. 
I was really regretting not having done my run before work! Luckily, by the time I was off work it had stopped snowing and most of the sidewalks were plowed. I had agreed to meet Kristin, Tyler and Lisa for speedwork at Westminster Rec. I don't think any of us realized the extent of the construction. Oy vey. I did a few minutes of my warm up with them, but since I had very specific stuff to do, I did the rest solo. 
Ice, ice, baby
I was not at all impressed with the detour signs, I found them very confusing and hard to follow, plus anything that was not sidewalk was not plowed and it was SCARY. 

Either way, the run went fine, I hit some good paces, and I didn't freeze. 
Ladder with 30 second increase in run, all with 2 min walk interval between
Later in the evening, I did start to notice a "pain" in my right foot. Ughhh.
Friday (10,127 steps) - Wash Park VERY cold walk with a small group. I am glad that I wore my puffy pants, it was FREEZING. Coffee with the group before going into work. 
Nothing else?
Saturday (34,425 steps) - Up early to go to BPRUNCO for a run with Runner's Edge. I had told my coach that I was too scarred from running in mud/slush/snow and begged to run on road (who would have ever thought I'd say that?) I had made a modification to the route so I could get close to 1,000' of vert and estimated my mileage would be around 16 miles. I had put my micro spikes in my pack,  just in case. The early miles were good! I kept up with Kristin and Lisa fairly well and I was feeling good! Fun random thing was seeing Lisa and Bruce - they even stopped us during the run to sign Ang's birthday present. Anyway, the route was REALLY icy, my foot was bothering me and I really SHOULD have put my spikes on. I ran for a bit with a gal, that helped pass the time. Used the bathroom (it was not a false alarm) at the rec center. The back half was really pretty awful, and that was the part I'd do twice. 

I cut the end of the route to head up Kipling and didn't get lost at all (unlike the last time). By the time I got back to the shop there was only Sheila and one other person there. I stayed for a few to talk with Alex and Phil before heading over to New Terrain to meet up with Ben, Zach and Maureen. 
Sunday (13,968 steps) - My coach had adjusted my workout for the day due to my foot still being janky and in pain. I only had 30-60 minutes of cardio. Woo! I was excited for my first LIVE Peloton class (next week we will have had the bike for a YEAR) - featuring EMINEM!! The class was a blast and every song was good. I did a cool down ride that I didn't like as much and then showered so I could head down to Highlands Ranch to meet up with Lisa, Jandy, Kristin, Ben and Maureen for a walk. 
The Highline was soooo muddy, this was not the most fun. We then went to Prost (Jandy's choice, barf) - although Ben and I were not comfortable with Douglas County's "lax" mask mandates. 
Pika and Dutch
We had one beer, then left and went to Over Yonder.
Monday (7,540 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Did a Peloton ride and a core video. That's it?

  • 109,759 steps
  • 26.37 miles run
  • 120 minutes of cardio
  • 15 minutes of strength training

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...