Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Week in Review (February 1 - February 7)

Tuesday (8,249 steps) - Work in the office. It started snowing before I got off work, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Picked up A and then hurried to do a 20 minute Peloton ride before Ben and I went to 4 Noses.
Nothing else?
Wednesday (8,419 steps) - I "called in" to work and said that I would be working from snow due to weather. It's really nice that I have this option if I need it. Only one of my attorneys is back to working in the office - if she wasn't there I really wouldn't have to come in at all though... Anyway, it was a snowy and cold day. 
Took Pika for a walk at lunch. That's it?
Thursday (6,985 steps) - Sadly, my one attorney wanted me to come in the office because I was taking Friday off and she was going to be out the a few days the following week. The "good" thing is that she WAS actually really busy, so the day flew by. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride when I got home that KICKED MY ASS. Holy crap, it was so hard! 
Friday (12,552 steps) - For a Friday, I got to sleep in since our flight wasn't until after lunch. Took A to school and did the last minute packing. Took Pika for a short walk. Thankfully, it was a bit warmer than it has been, but still icy/snowy.
Got an email that the hotel I had reserved wasn't going to be able to honor my reservation (cue the infamous Seinfeld episode here). Ugh!! Everything I looked at was crazy expensive, so I booked the first place that seemed reasonable. The drive to the airport was a bit slower because of traffic, but we parked with no issues. The shuttles were not as good as before, so that wasn't ideal. We had plenty of time to have a beer before our flight since there was no line at security. Flight was actually really short and nice! The ONLY issue on the flight was that the Nalgene that I have used for over a year somehow developed a leak?? I have no idea how this happens, I thought these things were indestructible. I ended up with the left side of my body completely soaked from the slow water leak :(

We had rented a Turo again and the guy was going to pick us up and take us to his office, at which point we would take over driving. A bit weird, but it was a LOT cheaper than a regular rental. 

We first stopped at REI so I could get a new water bottle (Ben seems to think I get obsessed with things once I start thinking about them). Then,  I had found a brewery that didn't seem too far out of the way, so we headed to Simple Machine. Apparently, masks and Covid aren't real in Arizona... we had a beer on the patio before leaving (since the inside was PACKED).
There was another brewery, North Mountain, that seemed even closer to our hotel (and had food!) so we went there. We ended up sitting outside there too, for the same reason. It was actually a pleasant evening, so it was fine. Beer was good and I had a delicious Philly Cheesesteak sandwich.

The hotel was supposedly only about 10 minutes away and on the drive there we decided to stop and get some bottled water and snacks before checking in. The gas station alone should have clued us into how sketchy the neighborhood was.... when we got to the hotel it was "night window only" even though it was only 8:00 pm. The parking lot was disgusting but there are often places I stay that it's not "that bad." This place was "THAT BAD." OMG. For the first time in my life I actually called the 800 number and demanded a refund. They said there was nothing they could do and to take it up with the front desk. Luckily, the gal didn't even flinch when I went back and said I couldn't stay there because it was so filthy and sketchy. (I did take some pictures, but honestly, I don't think I want them living on my blog forever). Let's just say in about 10 minutes we probably saw about a dozen cockroaches, pubic hair on the bed, probably bed bugs but we stopped short of investigating. Mold all over the place, rusted out and stained tub. Holes in the walls. It was bad. While I was getting a refund, Ben was picking a NICE place in Scottsdale. (And apparently, I'm no longer allowed to book things).

We both needed to unwind a bit, so we had a beer for going to sleep.
Saturday (69,179 steps) - Elephant Mountain 50k
I could NOT believe how badly my feet hurt when I crossed the finish line. I literally walked 15 feet to a picnic table, filled up my bottle and sat down. I was afraid to take off my shoes, because based on how my feet felt they were going to be bloody stumps when I took my socks off. I think I may have even shed a tear or two once my shoes were off. Ben brought me my flip flops and I hobbled to the beer tent. We were both STARVING, so we looked up the other brewery in the area, Front Pourch, that we hadn't been to yet and headed over. 
There was a food truck that had barbeque and it was AMAZING. Pulled pork, mashed potatoes and mac & cheese. Is there any better combination of food??
We headed back to the hotel and stayed up watching Minions
Sunday (11,764 steps) - Ben called as soon as we woke up to try one more time for a late check out. This time, he got one! We didn't have to be out until noon, but we were hungry, so we went to Whole Foods for a breakfast buffet. It was delicious!!
I had a recovery walk on my schedule, so I planned out a loop near Tempe. We left the hotel around 11:30 and found the place without too much issue, other than the lot I initially picked was on the golf course and they didn't allow parking for the trail. We lucked out getting a spot in the actual lot as it was small and there were a lot of people driving through looking for a place. It was definitely warm, but at least the path that I picked was a dirt, non-technical route. 

We got in just over 2.5 miles before heading into town to meet up with Heather and her mom at Four Peaks!

Heather actually lives near us, but happened to be down in Arizona so we met up for lunch! We had to get gas and then return our Turo. The airport was super fast again, and we had time for a beer on before leaving. I had planned on watching Netflix on the flight home but I was sitting in the middle and Ben decided to become besties with the other guy in our row. Landed on time, and the only hassle was the stupid shuttle back to the car. I've decided that for anything longer than two days we will park at my office and take the train in. Sick of the hassle. Had a frozen pizza when we got home. Long/short weekend.
Monday (9,213 steps) - Work from home. Took Pika for a walk at lunch. Did a Peloton ride and stretch (accidentally in German??) after I got off. Tyler came over for the first time in a while for Happy Hour. That's it?

  • 114,597 steps
  • 31.78 miles run (just the race)
  • 60 minutes of cardio
  • 10 minutes of strength training

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