Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Week in Review (February 15 - February 21)

Tuesday (22,322 steps) - Got up early to get my strength training done before I had to go into the office. After work I headed over to Stone House for my run. I was "excited" to try for my first real run after all my foot issues. My only goal was to hopefully be out for an hour and maybe have negative splits. The first few miles were really not great and I was starting to regret my decision to run since I just had "cardio" on my schedule.
Luckily I started to feel better and the rest of the run was fine. Even after all the snow we've had most of the path was in pretty good condition, except for a few really icy spots.
I even saw an owl! 
I headed over to Green Mountain to deliver a bunch of Girl Scout cookies and to have a beer before heading home.
Wednesday (16,468 steps) - We had yet ANOTHER storm in the forecast, so I got up and did my miles before work. Thankfully, I was out early enough that the dirt was sort of soft and not loose mud. 
I had hoped to get out of work early enough to miss the storm, but sadly, I had to work my regular shift. Sigh. Peloton ride when I got home.
Thursday (16,348 steps) - Work from home. I had hills on schedule - and my coach hilariously said I should find "runnable" hills with at least 600' of gain. I've never been good at hills and I had initially thought I was going to do trails, but we got a lot of snow. I did some research and figured I'd have to do repeats at Dinosaur Ridge. Turns out, the run was AMAZING. Like probably one of the best in a while. I set up 30/30 intervals for the steep east side of the road and then ran the rest. 

Later, I also did some strength training. After I got off work Ben and I went to Goldspot to drop off Greg's cookies. It was pretty crowded, so we only stayed for one beer.
Friday (11,728 steps) - Wash Park with the gang before going to work.
I managed to get out of work early enough to head home for... my Peloton Century ride!!

This was a pretty tough workout. Sadly, no shout out though.
Saturday (40,095 steps) - Up stupid early for my long run. I had mapped out a route in Broomfield/Louisville area. I'd had the foresight to make sure that none of the sections were closed because of the fire, but I neglected to realized how much snow/ice was still out. Within minutes I knew this was going to be awful, but I didn't have time to do something else. It was chilly, but a beautiful morning.

Sadly, probably 75% of my route ended up being pretty awful. Anywhere there was snow was probably 1-2" of crunchy snow that was tough to run on, and anywhere there were bike tire tracks or footprints was icy. It was not fun. THEN, I realized that I had missed my turn, and that I probably had done at least 3/4 of a mile in the wrong direction of the big route I had created. 

I had also intentionally planned my route to have a bathroom fairly early, and the detour obviously had me getting there later than planned. Thankfully, it was open. The other issue I had was mapping. I thought that it would be pretty easy to navigate, but there were a lot of areas where I had to pull out Strava to make sure that I was on track. Strangely, the part I thought I would hate (running on the bike path along the highway) was actually the best part. I also had apparently created my route through part of the Marshall Fire area. It was pretty devastating to see first-hand, and it still smelled like smoke.
I managed to adjust the route enough to compensate for the early extra miles so that I would be able to finish around the same mileage/time I had planned. I was SUPER happy to be done, and rushed over to the school for A's first scrimmage of the year. 
It was fun to watch! Ariel ran really well, setting a PR in the mile (6:43) and 800 (3:00). She also ran the 400 in the medley. We picked up Panda Express for lunch and then took Pika for a walk. When Ben got home we headed over to Bluegrass for snacks and beer with Tyler.
Sunday (10,558 steps) - We had a busy morning! First we had to drive to meet up with Ruth to give her Girl Scout cookies, then it was down to Parker for Ben's housewarming party! Holy cow, that was far away. His house is cute and it was a fun morning hanging out with all our friends we don't see too often. Stopped to deliver more cookies on the way home. Took Pika for a walk and did a VERY long Peloton ride. Then headed down to Golden to meet Ben at Over Yonder. It was pretty busy and they had a band, I hate noise :(
Monday (18,200 steps) - With the storm coming in I opted to run before work. The weather was actually perfect! Low 30's, but sunny. Thank goodness for the port-o-potty halfway...
Work from home even though Ben and Ariel both had the day off for President's Day. Got an email later in the morning that I was accepted for another year as a Zensah ambassador. Woot!
After work we went to the new Tatttered Cover in Westminster. Fun: they have a bar! Sad: small location and they didn't have the book that I went to buy.

Soap display perfectly represents Ben (Calm the F Down), Me (Working From Home) and Ariel (Sociel Anxiety) haha
Headed home for dinner and watching America's Got Talent Extreme - I actually "know" one of the contestants! Had an amazing beer for Stout Month, but woof, 11+% pm a weeknight is tough.

  • 135,719 steps
  • 37.98 miles run
  • 150 minutes of cardio
  • 70 minutes of strength training

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