Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Week in Review (July 9 - July 15)

Tuesday (19,333 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Milk Market run club after work! It was super hot and I planned on a run/walk (at best). All the miles I put in over the last week (and lack of recovery from Black Hills) caught up with me and it was pretty miserable.
Wednesday (21,723 steps) - Core class during lunch. Runners Roost Boulder! It was super hot (again) and we did a pretty challenging route.
There was a newer gal there and I wasn't as far in back as usual, so that was nice.

Thursday (20,485 steps) - LONG day at work. Left early to pick A up to do some volunteer trail building up in Eldorado Springs/Boulder. It was nearly a two mile hike to get to the work site, and then it was quite a bit of manual labor. Basically, I spent a few hours shoveling rocks and dirt.

Went out with everyone after to Southern Sun, which was delicious. Very late night, not home until 10!
Friday (26,733 steps) - Core class during lunch. Had planned to go to Lair o' the Bear after work since I knew A was going to be at a party/sleepover. Turns out she ended up needing a ride so I had to go home and get her there. Decided to go to the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge for a run. I put on bug spray, headed out, and proceeded to get chewed up by flies. Pretty miserable run.

Saturday (12,275 steps) - Runbarre! "Easy" 30 minute run with Mo and then a 30 minute barre express class. It's hard to believe I ever did this regularly, as I really struggled! To be fair, the last barre class I took was in October.

Ben, Mo and I got cupcakes after (you know, for breakfast), then headed home.
Took a nap and watched some TV before picking A up. Grocery shopping, then a quick snack before driving up to Ben's. (He had to work a later shift so we didn't end up getting up there until 8). Quick beer at Angry James before going to Cheba Hut for dinner.
Sunday (29,406 steps) - To the amazement of everyone, Ben and I were up and out the door just after nine for a long day of hiking/running. (We probably should have been out hours earlier, but...) Ben had mapped out a pretty cool route (that was going to be long, with a lot of vertical), but when we arrived at the lower lot we found out the fire road we hoped to drive up was closed. Ugh. It ended up being about 4.5 miles just to get to the trail head for Argentine Pass. Womp. (Not that it was bad training, we still gained about 1000' in those miles.

The sky was getting pretty sketchy, so we agreed we would monitor and turn around if/when it got too scary. The trail was super pretty and not too steep. Didn't even really need the poles I brought with me, although we did have several snowfields we had to cross, and the poles did come in handy for that. After crossing a half dozen or so of those, the sky continued to get more dark. Even though we were probably only a half mile from the summit (that would probably take at least 15-20 minutes), we decided to turn around. Good thing, we did get rained on a bit and had to put on our jackets. No thunder/lightning, but you can't mess around with weather in the mountains!

Moose on the loose! (A calf jumped out shortly after I took this)
Once we got into town we picked up Chipotle (by now it was four and we hadn't eaten anything of substance!) and went to Outer Range for a few beers.
Finally headed home around 5:30 and THEN the downpour started. Picked up pizza for a later dinner.
Monday (26,041 steps) - Ugh - early drive into Denver. SUPER hot, and Ariel ended up going to Water World with her friend, so I opted to skip the exposed New Terrain run and decided to go Eldorado/Boulder for a loop I mapped out. It was blissfully clouded, but about two miles in it started to rain. By mile three it was raining pretty heavily, although I never got cold because it was still in the 60's. The trails got a bit muddy, which is never fun. Loop ended up being just under nine miles.

Home for a hot shower and dinner.

  • 155,996 steps
  • miles run
  • Three gym classes

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Week in Review (October 15 - October 21)

Tuesday  (11,305 steps) - Walk with Olive before going to work. Went to the gym at lunch - which was oddly crowded (although I did go closer...