Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Week in Review (July 16 - July 22)

Tuesday (17,367 steps) - Strength class during lunch. Milk Market run club, although I decided that I would just walk. Lots of high mileage lately and hot road miles weren't appealing.
Sandwiches and a beer before picking A up at Abby's. Laundry and baked four dozen cookies for a work party.
Wednesday (23,967 steps) - Core class during lunch. Runners Roost Boulder!! Hottest day of the year (so far).

Was definitely not looking forward to the run, but once we got into the hills/trees it was a lot more bearable. Felt slow (like usual), but strava seems to indicate I was actually running fairly well.

Thursday (14,399 steps) - A had a birthday party during the day so I opted to go to Lone Tree after work for a community run. It was a pretty stupid decision as the traffic to get from downtown was horrendous and it took well over an hour to get there. I ran with Dave and it was great to catch up - I never see him anymore.

Hung out for a while afterward chatting with everyone.
Friday (13,786 steps) - Core class during lunch. Spent a bulk of the day creating a crew/pace guide for Tahoe. Which, incidentally, makes it seem a lot more real. Can't believe it's less than two months away!!
Saturday (47,736 steps) - Up at the ungodly hour of 3:15. Tyler picked us up and we headed down south to meet up with people to run at Barr Trail. I had never run out there and managed to convince A to hike/run 18 miles.

The early miles were nice, but it really got hot quickly. The wheels fell off for A when we still had 3-4 miles to go. In addition to running out of water, she kept catching her toes on rocks. I was able to make her feel a little better with a giant raspberry lemonade when we got into town. If you look closely at the pic below you can see that my hair looks white - I don't use any sort of product, that is all salt matted into my hair?! I've never had that happen. So crazy.
Kristin, Tyler, A and I walked to Manitou Brewing, where we got some food and beers. Traffic back home was awful - we even got caught in some nasty flash flooding.

Ben got stuck coming down - the normal 80 minute drive took him about three hours. Bed later than I wanted.
Sunday (34,118 steps) - Up early for Black Hawk half marathon!
Thankfully, as soon as we had cell service I saw a text from Jan that she would pick A up for their meeting. Saved us a trip to Broomfield! Shower and a nap. Took Pika for a walk to the lake while Ben was "recovering."
Met up with Tyler and went to 4 Noses for beers and dinner.
A ended up spending the night at Sonia's house.
Monday (8,978 steps) - So tired!! Picked up A on way home. Decided we would go to Resolute since they have a great patio and it was finally not a billion degrees.
The food truck wasn't as appealing as we hoped, so we picked up Torchy's for dinner. Ben has never seen "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," so we watched a few episodes before bed. So funny.

  • 160,351 steps
  • 41.2 miles run
  • Three gym classes

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