Thursday, December 1, 2016

Week in Review (November 22 - November 28)

Tuesday (13,649 steps) - Grocery shopping in the morning. Then A and I went to barre so she could finally meet Laura. She liked the class, and recognized that Laura is the most intense instructor.
We hit up Torchy's Tacos at the grand opening (holy moly, SO DAMN GOOD) and then went to the grocery store. NEVER AGAIN DO I GO THIS CLOSE TO THANKSGIVING. It was a damn mad house. We barely made it out in time for me to throw some chili in the crock pot and then I had my annual gyno appointment. A had gymnastics, then bed.
Wednesday (13,763) - Lazy day, able to "sleep in." Made the pumpkin cheesecake, then we went to REI to get Lisa's birthday present and drove down to Washington Park for a special run club.
Ariel, Heather, Colfax and I ran one loop around the park (about 2.5 miles) and chatted with people until about 6:00 before we headed home.

Thursday (15,832 steps) - Broomfield Turkey Day 10K.
Ricky and Lisa picked us about 1:30 to go to Jessa's for Friendsgiving. We had a lot of food and beer. Watched the football game, a movie (which I apparently slept through), didn't eat dinner until like 8. Played Taboo for the first time (which was really fun), and then had dessert at some crazy hour like 10:45. We didn't get home until 11:30???
Friday (17,222) - Black Friday barre class at 9:00. Rushed out right after to pick up A, change clothes, and head to White Ranch for Happy Trails run club.
We ran about 4 miles with Jeannene. I had never run at White Ranch and there was a lot more climbing than I expected. Oh, and we saw the guy I went on the weird half date with. That was awkward.

After, we went to Mountain Toad Brewery in Golden for some beers.
Went home to shower and then up to Heather's house for food and ornament making. Stopped at Target on the way home for our one Black Friday stop.
Saturday (21,934 steps) - Runners Edge in Evergreen at Alderfer/Three Sisters. It was FREAKING COLD. It was probably only in the 20's when we started out and my hands and toes were freezing. I finally started to warm up, but only had time to do just over 6 miles because we had plans with Lisa at 11:30 for brunch. Saw elk for the first time!

Went home to shower and get A, and then we met Lisa and Ricky at El Camino. Had a delicious breakfast and a few mimosas. Stopped at Runners Roost "on the way home" and picked up a new top and the white Lole vest I'd been admiring. Also got a quick haircut and a car wash for Bee Rad.
Lots of TV.
Sunday (19,165 steps) - Drove down to Waterton Canyon for a special "post Turkey Day run." We saw Phil, Kery and Lisa. My legs were DEAD from the last few days, but we managed to sort of keep up with the group for about the first mile. Saw a few groups of bighorn sheep. The canyon was kind of cold and windy, but it was overall a really great day for running.

On the way home we stopped Torchy's Tacos again. SO GOOD (AGAIN). TV for a bit and then I went to barre class. Dinner, bed sort of early.
Monday (14,822 steps) - Boo, hiss, back to work. Got caught up on blogging and all the emails. After work/school, we went to Target to pick up groceries. Amazing A decided to use the gift cards she got for her birthday to pitch in. So sweet! Walked on the treadmill for a bit to get my steps in for the day while watching Criminal Minds.

  • 117,827 steps
  • 25.5 miles run
  • 3 barre classes
  • Current weight 124.6 - not super surprised by this, I literally ate #allthethings and #drankallthebeer while we were on our staycation. Time to get "back on track."
Everything Else:
  • The prospect of working for another 25-30 years is so incredibly depressing.

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...