Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week in Review (November 29 - December 5)

Tuesday (14,555) - Laura's barre class during lunch. Traffic was outrageously horrible after work and I was late picking up A (for the first time ever, and only by a few minutes). She was about 20 minutes late to gymnastics. ALL SO ANNOYING. Chili for dinner and bed early.
Wednesday (14,989 steps) - Picked up A after school and after I was off work we headed down to the Denver store for run club. It was ridiculously cold, but it was a fun night. SPI belt was there and gave everyone a free belt (score!) and after our 2ish mile run with Colfax, we had pizza and beer.
So, greatest night ever. Once we got home A decided she wanted to put up the Christmas tree (which we haven't done in at least one year, maybe even two or three). I made the mini Oreo cheesecakes for the upcoming Roost team party (even though I can't go) while all that was happening.
Thursday (12,713 steps) - Barely slept. Barre class with Meredith at 6 am. Left work just a few minutes early to get A and head back down to the Denver store for a special training session with Junko. Traffic was a NIGHTMARE. We ended up being about 15 minutes late, but WOW, were we in for a treat. Junko is an amazing athlete and her training session was HARD. I was sweating buckets by the end.

A didn't want to go to Rocko's, so we headed home. Stopped along the way to pick up some hats and gloves from the dollar store for the Roost party for donations to the Denver Rescue Mission.
Friday (9,875 steps) - SO SORE. Long, horrible day at work. Picked up A and went to the Empty Bowls fundraiser at the high school. We got some pretty cool bowls this year!
We then went home so A could pack and I could take an epsom salt bath. I took A down to Heather's around 8:00 for her weekend sleepover. Finished packing, stayed up a bit too late.
Saturday (16,053 steps) - Traveling, etc. for California International Marathon.
Sunday (62,331 steps) - California International Marathon and travel home.
Monday (8,596 steps) - Not surprisingly, I was exhausted all day. Work lasted an absolute eternity. Picked up A at Scouts, then home. I watched Walking Dead (dang long episodes!) and worked with Lisa to get A plane tickets for Texas since apparently my ex lost his job. Le sigh. Up later than I wanted to be.

  • 139,112 steps
  • 28.6 miles run (thank you, marathon)
  • Junko training session (which I was still feeling on Monday!) and 2 barre classes
  • Current weight ??? - I may stop weighing myself for a while, seems counterproductive. 
Everything Else:
  • Runners Roost was supposed to announce the 2017 team on Thursday... still waiting! So impatient! With the change of ownership and all new captains, I'm very nervous about my application!

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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