Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Week in Review (June 21 - June 27)

Tuesday (29,264 steps) - Now that I have a training plan again, back to regularly scheduled training. I had 7 miles on schedule, and was feeling very apprehensive about my hip/groin. It is tender/uncomfortable even when I'm walking. I was out the door by 5:15, which gave me plenty of time to take it slow. I hit up the Rocky Mountain Greenway again, which was a good choice.
Even after the sun came up it didn't seem too hot (forecast for the day is 99 degrees!) The way out is uphill, and I took it VERY slow and easy.
I got to go out a mile further than the last time I ran this trail, and it's a very exposed trail, but wide and dirt/gravel. Running here will need to be done on cool days or very early in the morning. Emergency stop at the bathroom on the way back, which was a LOT better than the way out. Did some stretching when I got home. The hip/groin is still sore/tender, but it seems that my range of motion is a little better than when I did yoga on Sunday. Spent a bulk of the morning using my Addaday torture device on my hip - hoping whatever I've got going on is just a knot or something. Did the day's videos - warm up, HIIT (lower body/abs) and cool down. This one wasn't too bad. Started packing for our upcoming weekend in Glenwood.
Wednesday (19,632 steps) - Warm up, upper body, cool down. Run club! A said she was tired and didn't want to run far, so we had plans to go to the track nearby. Turns out there were kids playing on the baseball field nearby so we couldn't run there. Ended up running a bit further than if we would have done our normal 3 mile route. Good times running with Maureen, Colfax and Heather. Went out to eat at Old Chicago's afterward.
Thursday (18,621 steps) - Woke up incredibly sore. Not just my left hip/groin, but my inner thighs. Yesterday's super short lower body video apparently kicked my ass. Geez. Cardio (where I had to do a few low impact modifications) and cool down. Since it was Maureen's birthday, we had plans of skipping A's gymnastics class and going to Belmar's run club. We did a super slow (like REALLY slow) walk/jog with Maureen and Colfax.
We went to Rocko's for dinner afterward with the group, where I had probably the best nachos I've ever eaten.

Failure to lose weight is a MYSTERY. Home late, in bed late.
Friday (17,453 steps) - Woke up still sore, so I didn't do the video (which looks like lower body). Maybe will do later at the hotel room. Looks like there is a "beginner" video - which maybe means I can get through it and not be too sore for the weekend? Anyway, up crazy early because I had to get A and her friend Madi to Union Station before 7:30 (which meant we had to be out the door at 6:45) for the Girl Scouts train ride to Glenwood Springs (that they get to attend for selling a jillion boxes of cookies). I was at work before 8, and since I worked through lunch all week I was able to head out around 2 to meet A and the Scouts in Glenwood. There was a frustrating amount of traffic, but I managed to arrive around 5:15. We didn't get around to eating dinner until after 7, but I really enjoyed the pizza and beer.
A and I headed over to scope out the trail head to make sure I knew where I was going. How could you NOT want to run here?
Quick trip to Target to pick up some essentials, and stopped by Dairy Queen. Apparently, along with the rest of the town. Took over 20 minutes to get an Orange Julius and a dipped cone.
Saturday (26,008 steps) - I decided to get up early and run the trails instead of doing a longer run on the bike path. HOLY CRAP WAS THIS CHALLENGING. Previously, I had run up the road, which was pretty steep. The trails were NUTS. I thought I was going to die at some points. One mile claimed to be about 900' of climbing! Anyway, I ran all the way to the top of Red Mountain, past the cross, where I saw a wild turkey. No pics, because it startled me and ran into the bushes before I had a chance to take one. The way down was "easier," but not much faster because it was so steep. I had hoped to do closer to 8 miles, but needing to be back to shower and eat before A's event meant I only had time to the 6ish miles.
After breakfast we drove to the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park. We met up with everyone from A's troop (except Rose, who had overslept) and took the tram to the top of the park. I had never been here, so it was fun to go on some rides - the alpine coaster was super fun, and A was tall enough to ride alone. Some of us went on a cave tour, then it was time for lunch (nachos/tacos) and then the awards ceremony. They announced the name and number of boxes of each and every girl that sold 750 or more boxes of cookies. The top seller in the state sold over 7,000 boxes. That's just crazy.

cave bacon!

Apparently, an upside down/sideways cave selfie!
1,039 boxes sold!! Woo hoo!
A's whole troop - all girls sold over 750 boxes to attend the event
We went on a rides until about 5. The tram line was FOREVER LONG, so it was about 6 before we got done. We went to Vicco's Charcoal burger drive in for dinner. Wait was long, food was delicious.

I had been texting with A's dad about pick up for her going to Texas. He decided to drive out this year, which worked out nicely because I had some work around the house (plumbing) that needed to be done. However, he showed up early, and told me over the phone that he only had Sunday to work on the house because he had told his job he would be at work Tuesday, so he and A would need to leave early Monday. URG!!!!!!

A and I headed to Glenwood Brewpub for me to check out the local beer, then in bed fairly early.
Sunday (32,238 steps) - Up before 6 for a quick breakfast at the hotel, load up the car and go to Hanging Lake. We had hiked it recently, in April, but were hoping to hike without all the ice. At 6:45 the parking lot was already pretty full, so I was glad to have the early start. Everything was really green, but I have to say that I think the lake itself looked "cooler" in the winter.

We were done in just under two hours, and on the road to get to the metro area as soon as possible. Stopped at the Yeti's Grind for coffee and breakfast. Traffic on the highway was a headache around Idaho Springs, but we got home just after noon. A's dad looked at my plumbing issues and wrote out a list of items I would need, we went to lunch and bought all the things. I tell you, if you know someone who is a licensed plumber and is willing to do work for you, you're lucky. He fixed my three major issues in just a few hours, and all it cost me was about $60 in parts. I would have probably paid a random person over $1,000. In the mean time, I was doing laundry and A was packing.

At 4, we headed out to the latest installment of Trails & Ales. Good thing we left early, since we went to the wrong lot/trail head. I had never run at Mt. Falcon, and was anxious to get a good run in. Newton was there to demo shoes (I didn't especially love the ones I tried), and Smartwool was there giving us free socks! Yahoo! A decided she would rather hike with Maureen and Colfax, so I headed out alone. HOLY MOLY. Yet another super challenging trail! This was just climb after climb... Was supposed to be a 3 mile loop, and I grew concerned when it was about 1.8 before the descent finally started. With my hip still being a bit wonky I wasn't able to bomb the downhill as much as I would like, but it wasn't too bad. I got to the bottom and didn't see Maureen and A, so I filled up my bottle and headed up the reverse way, thinking I would run into them. I got a text when I was almost another mile up that they had just done an out and back and they were almost back to the trail head. Ah well, I got in 5 miles instead of 3ish.

Love this picture! That windy road down there? That's pretty much where the trail head is - and Red Rocks (a concert venue) is also in the distance. Apparently "Widespread Panic" was playing!
We all went to the Morrison Inn afterward for Mexican food and a beer. We didn't get home until after 9, and then it was more packing and laundry. EXHAUSTED.
Monday (27,010 steps) - I had told A's dad I would be up by 7. For some reason he heard 6, so I was awakened earlier than I planned. They headed out around 8. Sad face. After work I figured it would be a good idea to get a trail run in. I didn't want to run too far, so I went to Apex. I got out of the office a bit late and it was 6:15 before I got there. I hadn't been there in a few years, and the lower lot was now open, but the trail was of course the same. I had forgotten all the climbing on THIS one, as well. There weren't too many mountain bikers out and I got 5.5 miles in.
By the time I stopped at the grocery store, it was after 8 before I got home. Shower, dinner, an episode of "The Vanishing Women," and 20 minutes of reading.

  • 170,226 steps
  • 30.5 miles run
  • 173 minutes of cross training (HIIT, cardio and hiking!)
  • 31 minutes of strength/stretching
  • Weekly loss 0.8 (126.8)
Everything Else:
  • Blah. So A left this week. Now, it's nice that I can finally hit the trails, but I'm just so used to her being around, really going to miss her!
  • The hip is still not GREAT, but it is way better than last week. Taking it very easy right now and trying to ensure my gait doesn't get all screwed up.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week in Review (June 14 - June 20)

Tuesday (18,955 steps) - With A having to be at camp super early I haven't even been bothering with getting up to work out. Sleep is more important! Super slow short run after work. Still having some pain in my left groin, and thighs still very tight from Revel.
Also did a short barre video and an upper body tabata video that I haven't done in a while.
Wednesday (24,004 steps) - It is a ZILLION degrees in Colorado right now. With A getting out of camp before 4:30, we headed right down to Runners Roost and got there just after 5. We planned on doing our run early since there was a fun event planned. We barely made it our 3 mile loop. The heat is so draining!
We got back right at 6 and met up with Maureen to walk Colfax and his friend, Ty. Then it was time for the real fun, the Brooks "Sip and Paint." I haven't painted in MANY years, so I was looking forward to it. (Well, the painting and the catered food and drinks). Such a fun night! I don't think I really followed the instructions all that well, but I think our paintings are pretty awesome.

A was awarded the "Run Happy" award. Bed as soon as we got home (which wasn't until 9:45!)
Thursday (25,210 steps) - I set my alarm to run in the morning. HAHAHAHAHA. Went back to bed. So then, I had to do my run AFTER work. My phone says it was 90 degrees, but it seemed MUCH warmer. Now that the signage is up for the new "Rocky Mountain Greenway," I wanted to see where exactly the trail goes on the north side of the lake. It was hot, the run did not go well.

Fiery ball in the sky that was trying to kill me
Thankfully there were bathrooms near where I turned around. Made it home with just enough time to shower before taking A to gymnastics. Tokyo Joe's and early to bed.
Friday (18,910 steps) - Rest day!! After I picked up A from camp we headed to the mall where I picked up a few cute dresses from Banana Republic and some shorts on sale from Lucky. "Mom shorts," according to A. Basically shorts that have longer than a 2" inseam. Grocery shopping and TV rounded out the evening.
Saturday (41,138 steps) - Even though it is summer, A had yet another Girl Scout event late morning. That meant that in order to get all my scheduled miles in, I had to head down to Aurora at FOUR IN THE MORNING. Well, 4:15 to be exact. It already felt hot and muggy to me, and I wasn't feeling great. All week I've had kind of a nagging pain in my left hip/groin area. I was running slow and trying not to run with an awkward gait. Ran 5 miles before meeting up with the rest of Runners Edge.
Heather and I had plans to run 10 more, but with as slow as I was going, we ended up only doing 9. Oh well, 14 miles is my longest training run since... March? I'll take it. I had just enough time to drive home, shower, grab A, pick up breakfast at Einstein's and meet up with her Girl Scout troop at Elitch's at 10 am. I was pretty disappointed with the Girl Scouts, there was only one table of activities, which they finished in less than 10 minutes. With that said, it was a ridiculously hot and sunny day (mid 90's?), and the park was actually not that crowded.

We ended up staying until about 3:30 in the afternoon. Other than the roller coasters, most of the rides didn't have long waits, so they actually got to go on a lot of rides. Spent the remainder of the day in the air conditioning. Oh, summer.
Sunday (23,523 steps) - Up at 6 am, arriving at Lair o' the Bear just before 7. A and I did 7 miles - her longest "fun run" yet (her words, not mine).

Saw my buddy Rob (he's the tiny one on the left)

 It was a gorgeous run, but already hot by the time we got back down at 9:00. Went to breakfast at IHOP (for pancakes, of course), and then most of the day on the couch. Did some cleaning, a yoga video with A, and then we went to Jessa's house for a few hours.
Monday (21,282 steps) - Heather decided to do one of the 8 week #FB30 programs. I offered to join her. Normally, I don't do the first day of the programs because it is a "fitness test." We decided it might be "fun" to do the fitness test. I told A that one part of the test was a timed mile. She wanted to join me (obviously because she knows she can run faster than me). We got up early, jogging to the middle school to run on the track. The entire jog over my hip/groin was aching. I was dreading the mile. It was just as awful as I anticipated it would be. Well, all but maybe the first 15 seconds. I was able to maintain a sub 9 pace for the first half mile or so, but barely finished in 9:27. Shameful. Back in the day, I could easily run that pace for a whole half marathon. It felt like an "all out" effort, which is really the point. Meh. (A, by the way, walked a few times and finished around 9 minutes, and said it was "easy.")
Walked back home, and did the rest of the test - push-ups, squats, static plank, and sit and reach. For "funsies," I also took some measurements. Nothing else the rest of the day.

  • 173,022 steps (up significantly from last week)
  • 33.2 miles run
  • No cross training
  • 73 minutes of strength/stretching
  • Weekly loss 0.6 (127.6) - Was pretty conscious of food/drink consumption over the weekend. I'd be happy with a pound a week loss, close this week.
Everything Else:
  • My freakin' bathtub is leaking again! So many plumbing issues, grrrr. "Luckily," my ex was amenable to driving out to pick up A for their summer visit and spending a day or two here doing work on my house. I figure, it's the least he can do.
  • A finished up a super fun week at camp. She attended the ENOR camp, put on by 4-H. Every day they were doing activities outside - hiking, visiting a mine, Red Rocks, sliding down a snow field... She was EXHAUSTED every single day when I picked her up, but she had a great time. The camp was separated by grade, so she was with kids her own age.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Week in Review (June 7 - June 13)

Tuesday (20,374 steps) - Legs were tired after the trail race and lower body video. However, I forced myself to get out of bed. I'm in limbo with no training plan right now, but I had a goal of 5 miles. Legs were NOT cooperating and I did 4 miserable miles.
Made it home with enough time to do an upper body video. After I picked up A from camp we went to Hu Hot for dinner because I had a parent meeting with A's scout troop. The meeting ended up lasting almost 2 hours, but I think it was very productive and I'm pretty excited for what is in store for the girls next school year.
Wednesday  (17,747 steps) - EXHAUSTED. Got up with enough time to do a pilates video and a new-to-me abs video that I liked. Run club - which THANKFULLY, was way cooler than forecasted.
Heather met up with us for dinner at Noodles.
Thursday (19,297 steps) - Went for a 3+ mile run by the lake at 6:15 in the morning. Felt incredibly hot and humid and sunny. Blah.
We arranged for A to go to gymnastics right after camp at 5 pm so that we could go to Ladies' Night at Runners Roost. Seriously one of my favorite events!

Getting rid of this dress. Ugh. Looks so bad!!
We got awesome discounts on Lole gear, there was ice cream (I had salted butterscotch!) and Nuun with champagne. Fun night! We went to Hacienda for nachos with Heather and Maureen. (Seriously, weight gain is a mystery).
Friday (15,527 steps) - REST DAY!! We had happy hour at work, which would have been more enjoyable if I hadn't been bombarded with work right at the end of the day. Finally, A and I had a "night of nothing" - other than picking up groceries at Target.
Saturday (22,790 steps) - Runners Edge summer kick off! Drove down to Denver, wishing we were starting earlier than 7 am. So hot and sunny! I ended up running 6 miles, all of which felt pretty good.
Can you spot me? (Photo: Runner's Edge)
Chatted with Doug and Lisa at the store for a bit, got gas and a car wash, then drove to Golden top pick up my packet for Revel. Managed to get to the expo right when it started and was in and out in a few minutes. My tire light has been coming on somewhat regularly for the last few months so I stopped at Big O and had them look at it. Turns out I had a huge concrete nail in it. Maybe THAT'S why the light keeps coming on... They also said I need new tires soon. Of course I do. Got home, quick shower, lunch at Tokyo Joe's, and then picked up Rose and Madi for the Rockies game. We had great seats, but unfortunately we were in the sun. With it being 93 degrees, the seats were literally burning us! We kept moving around throughout the game trying to stay cool. It was a pretty good game - Rockies won!

For dinner, A talked me into going to Godfather's pizza. The wait wasn't that long and we devoured a BBQ chicken pizza. So good, but pricey.
Sunday (34,360 steps) - Revel Rockies half marathon.
After I dropped off Maureen, A and I headed home. She'd had a few donuts for breakfast and wasn't hungry. I took a shower and had a frozen dinner to tide me over. We drove to Heather's house to go to yet another Rockies game. It was in the mid 80's, but felt much cooler than the last game. We had brunch in the clubhouse and then watched the game. Rockies won again!
Spent a few minutes at Heather's house, but we were exhausted so we went home, stopping to pick up a few groceries on the way home. I fell asleep on the couch around 8 pm. So exhausted!!
Monday (16,638 steps) - Slept until my alarm went off, which is rare. I still had a slight headache when I woke up, even with going to bed ridiculously early. A started a new summer camp this week so we had to be out the door by 7, therefore, no morning workout. Too tired for a real workout so A and I did some yoga and a new abs video (that I didn't really like all that much).

  • 146,733 steps
  • 32.2 miles run
  • No cross training
  • 87 minutes of strength/stretching
  • Weekly Gain 0.8 (128.2) - Not a surprise after my weekend, just depressing seeing the scale head that way.
Everything Else:
  • Took on another Director at work and I've been a lot busier the last few weeks, which is a good thing! I hate being bored.
  • A finished up gymnastics camp last week and had a great time, other than spending all her days inside.
  • Not much else.

Week in Review (March 11 - March 17)

Tuesday  (15,495 steps) - Peloton and Olive walk before going to work in the office. Gym at lunch. Had to do my strength training first beca...