Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Week in Review (December 9 - December 15)

Tuesday - Butt/thigh video during lunch. This was really hard. 5K at the gym after work.
Wednesday - Run club, with "ugly sweater" theme! A pretty warm evening for December. I even had to take my gloves off because I was too hot!

Thursday - 3.25 miles on the treadmill.  Upper body video while A was reading. Rhomboids are weak.
Friday - Literally ran to and from the doctor's office during my lunch break. After work A and I went to Jackson's birthday party! It was super fun playing "Monster Mini Golf"

Saturday - A had a Girl Scout thing in the morning, so I was able to get out on the Big Dry Creek for a run. The first five miles of this felt REALLY good. Then... I got tired. The weather was unbelievable. I was almost too hot in a shirt and capris!

I finally went to get my hair cut. I vaguely remember that when it is shorter it is not such a pain in the ass to straighten. Made bark (again), since we had yet another Christmas party with our friends.

Sunday - Don't remember the day. We took Batman Sour to my parent's house to meet their kitty. He is spending a few days there while we are on vacation. Batman Sour hid behind the couch, not much bonding was done. An easy run before bed in the basement inferno.
Monday - Lower body video during lunch. 3.6 not too terrible miles after work on the treadmill.

Miles Run - 22.02
Minutes of Cross Training - Nada
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - 71. A bit down from last week, but I missed out on a few lunch hours because I had to leave early so they were too short for a workout.

Weekly Gain - 1.4 pounds (120.8)

  • I'm not really one to blame the holidays, but. A birthday party and another holiday party, and I'm guessing the beer, pizza and sweets accounted for the gain.

Everything Else
  • Nothing much happening right now, but the next few weeks should be interesting. 


  1. What, no races? This year is always so frustrating because if you are like me, you want to race, but there really isn't many races around. I do agree, as someone who is in the state next to yours, that this weather is really awesome. Enjoy it while it lasts. Have a Merry Christmas!

  2. love the hair! and that bark looks amazing


I adore comments and I read every single one. Thanks for reading :)

Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

Tuesday  (10,744 steps) - Joyce was out of town and since I was still sick I decided to work from home. Did a 20 minute Peloton ride and too...