Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Week in Review (December 2 - December 8)

Tuesday - Upper body tabata video during lunch. 1.5 miles on the treadmill after work.
Wednesday - Actually got up early and did some stretching before work. My legs have been VERY tight and angry lately. Run club after work. I planned on only doing 2 miles but ended up running about 3.5 miles with a great group of people. Fun night, like usual, especially watching the Beer Mile World Championships!

Can you spot me in my INB sweater??
Thursday - Tried a run during lunch, no bueno. Had to drive down to the dealership after work for an oil change. I still will never understand why these things take HOURS.

Friday - I was able to get a 2.5 mile run before work. During lunch I did an upper video and some planks. I have officially become the weakest person on the planet. After work I went to happy hour with my (former) work bestie and some people from work.
Saturday - Rock Canyon half marathon. Since the race was in Pueblo, most of the day was spent driving and running.

Sunday - I seem to have completely lost my ability to sleep in. Got up and ran 2.5 miles.

Spent the day watching tv, going for a walk around Lake Arbor with A and taking the kids roller skating. Before bed I tried the 10 minute butt & thigh video I used to do and it was SO HARD.

How on earth does it look like this in December, in Colorado?

Monday - A pretty great 5K on the treadmill after work. While A was doing her reading and other homework I did the bicep/tricep video. Again, so hard. I'm so weak.

Miles Run - 27.33
Minutes of Cross Training - Nothing other than a walk with A.
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - 109 (HUGE improvement!)

Weekly Loss - 2 pounds (119.4)
  • After completely letting myself go, I figure now was as good a time as any to get back into good habits. No Yogurtland OR donuts this week. Pizza twice, and still had beer.
Everything Else
  • My work bestie had her last day of work last week. I will miss her!
  • Things are not going well at work under new management. Hesitant to say more. I had an interview this week and have another interview next week. I do not want to go down with the ship!
  • Pretty much nothing else.

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