Monday, December 8, 2014

Rock Canyon Half Marathon (Race Recap)

Saturday, December 6
Pueblo, CO
Half Marathon #120
Colorado Half #56
Weather - Overcast, chilly

For the longest time, the Rock Canyon half marathon was the only half marathon in Colorado in December. The weather is very unpredictable - last year this same weekend was the race I did in -2 degrees! This year, the forecast was substantially better, with a predicted high of 50 degrees. Woot!

My dad (he is the best!) came over at 5:45 so that we would have enough time for the 2 hour drive south to Pueblo. Drive was uneventful and we arrived and parked with about an hour until the start. A "no frills" race, there was nothing to do until the start, so we sat in the car until about 8:45 and then cycled through the bathroom line (indoor!)

It was not quite as warm as I expected and the sun was not out. However, L and I both braved the elements in our tank top and skirts. Clearly, everyone else was looking at a different forecast:

I pretty much lost my running mojo after New York. Training runs haven't been going well, and I haven't done much distance running. I just hoped to get through this one.

The race began with two loops around the park by Pueblo Zoo before heading out on the bike path. There was a steep downhill (that we would have to run up later) and then onto a nice path by the river. I was running decent, but I could already tell that my legs were going to fatigue long before I finished.

After the second aid station at mile 4 we moved onto dirt road. This section was tough to run on. It was rutted and there were a lot of loose rocks. I rolled my ankle a few times, but nothing serious.

Not sure why we were running on the dirt when the bike path was right there...

I saw L well before I got to the turn around. I estimated she was at LEAST 1.5 miles in  front of me when I saw her.

Around mile 7.5 was when we did a lollipop loop to head back. I had run into a Facebook friend that I knew was running. He was running with his son for his first half marathon. His son seemed to be having an easier time.

I actually managed to pass a few people in the last few miles. And thankfully, the course did not feel uphill in the last few miles like it sometimes does on a "flat" course.

So. What is there to say how this run went? Well, it went better than it probably should have, but not as good as I hoped. I took quite a few walk breaks. My legs, in general, seemed very fatigued. I was tired, but not in pain. I guess I have forgotten how to just work through that and when I feel uncomfortable I take a break.

No, really. We both ran in short sleeves and skirts. I wore gloves though.
Garmin Time - 2:21:32
Garmin Distance - 13.14 miles
Garmin Pace - 10:46
Official Time - 2:21:47 (they only used gun time)
Overall Place - 391/467
Gender Place - 189/241
Division Place - 41/48
Mile 1 - 9:46
Mile 2 - 10:38
Mile 3 - 10:10
Mile 4 - 10:48
Mile 5 - 11:11
Mile 6 - 11:00
Mile 7 - 10:29
Mile 8 - 11:11
Mile 9 - 10:26
Mile 10 - 11:15
Mile 11 - 10:51
Mile 12 - 10:56
Mile 13 - 11:23
Mile 13.14 - 1:15


  • Very affordable race. I think this was $40. I did not expect to get a medal at all, so that was a nice surprise. 
  • Super cheap long sleeve shirt. SUPER cheap. For a "no frills" race, they should give you the option to skip the shirt and save a few bucks. This one will get donated. (White long sleeve shirt, the logo on the medal screenprinted small).
  • The course is advertised as "flat" with just the one hill at mile 12.5. I agree, probably flat. Since most of my training is on the treadmill, which is for REAL flat, this did not exactly FEEL flat to me, but my Garmin data disagrees. The hill at the end is cruel.
  • Well stocked aid stations. Gatorade and water at all of them, plenty of volunteers.
  • Every mile had a marker.
  • There were some snacks at the end, all I grabbed was a bag of Goldfish crackers.
  • I didn't care much for the section on dirt road, but overall, the course was fine. It sure was flat and fast for L. She got a 2 minute PR!
  • Would I run this again? If I were closer, probably. Not really worth the 2 hour drive.


  1. I am so jealous you go to run a half marathon in December. Pretty much all the races have dried up here in the SLC vicinity except for Santa themed runs and such. I am starting to look out of state for races as well but there's only so much vacation time and money in the budget for that.

    Sounds like you have hit a rough part in your training / racing. You are putting in a lot of miles / races, so that will take a toll. Do you take vitamins with minerals? Those can make a difference (but up to a certain point). I hate to see you get burned out or worse injured. Be sure you are taking the best possible care of yourself and if need be, take some easy / 100% rest days.

    Awesome pictures and thanks for sharing.

  2. Great report as usual, Rebeca. We must have been running close because I saw L coming back when I was still about 2 miles from the turn-around. She wasn't even sweating!

    I read that you did a lot of stretching this week. I hope that works on your tightening calves.

  3. always impressed with how many races yall do a year- i'm not surprised you are tired after nyc!! and, love the outfits! i'm wearing mine wednesday


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