Monday, December 1, 2014

Week in Review (November 18 - November 24)

Tuesday - 2 miles on the treadmill. Not the worst, but not great.
Wednesday - Upper body video during lunch.
Thursday - Travel day to Dallas! Eating, wandering around, last minute prep for Big Cedar.
Friday - Big Cedar!! I ended up running way less than I thought. I spent so much time at the start/finish line afterwards that by the time I left, it was already after 1 in the morning. I stopped at Whataburger to have "breakfast" and didn't get to the hotel until about 2:30. I had a few beers with my roomie before going to bed at 4 am. 4!!
Saturday - Obviously, I had planned on running a bulk of the day. Instead, I was woken up by housekeeping just after 10. Kerri and I drove over to the race so that I could get my drop bag. It was unreal how muddy the course was. We were able to see some 50K runners (many who dropped even THAT distance). We got lunch at the church with our meal tickets (a delicious burger), and then drove over to Truth Corner to get my stuff. It was so muddy just the few hundred yards we walked to get there. Kerri decided to drive back to Austin and I picked up a pizza and spent the rest of the night in bed, eating and drinking beer and watching bad tv.
Sunday - I had an 8 am flight out of Dallas. Everything uneventful and we landed early. I was home by 10. I ate and sat on the couch. Doing nothing is great.
Monday - Also a day of doing nothing.

Miles Run - 46.74
Minutes of Cross Training - 0
Minutes of Strength/Stretching - 23

Weekly Gain - 0.2 pounds 
  • I ate all the things, assuming I would be running 100 miles. I didn't exactly get the miles done, but I sure got the eating done.
Everything Else
  • OMG OMG OMG!!!! As you might remember from last year, I applied for the Runners Roost race team and didn't get selected... but THIS YEAR I DID!!! I found out Wednesday and it was the greatest news ever! So excited to represent in 2015!
  • My work bestie got a new job... her last day is December 5. Happy for her, sad for me. Lots of terrible things going on at work so I'm on a mission to find something for the first part of the year. Hopefully I can find something less stressful.

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Week in Review (March 18 - March 24)

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